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Local Police Chief – DWI Charge

Even those we would least expect can pick up a DWI charge. Here, a local police chief faces DWI charges after recently undergoing a domestic violence prosecution. Apparently he planned to stay on the job after being convicted of a disorderly conduct, but now the DWI...

DWI Blog Series – Part One – DWI Implied Consent

Welcome to the first installment of the Sieben Edmunds DWI Blog Series. This series will provide a basic overview of DWI law in Minnesota and then later we’ll get into some of the more specific and complicated aspects of DWI criminal defense.   Minnesota’s DWI...

The Lawnmower and the DWI

It’s always good to remember that “motor vehicle” is defined very broadly for purposes of the DWI/DUI laws. Here is an example of a guy that thought it would be a good idea to make a beer run on his lawnmower. I suppose he thought better of it after his encounter with...

Brooks Decision Announced

The Minnesota Supreme Court released its decision in State v. Brooks today at 10:00 a.m. We’re reading and absorbing the decision as I write, but at first blush it appears that the Court has upheld all consensual alcohol testing in DWI cases. Check out the decision...

Power of The Prosecutor

Power of The Prosecutor

The death of Internet activist Aaron Swartz has lead to a public discussion of the power prosecutors have over defendants.  Swartz, famous for his role developing Reddit,a social news and entertainment website,  recently  died as a result of an apparent suicide....

Minnesota DWI Record Holder

Most people enjoy being record holders, but this record is not one to brag about. Danny Bettcher holds the record for the most DWI’s in Minnesota; 27. A little over one month after Bettcher had been released from prison, he went to a bar and drank. Both conditions...

Do I have to tell my work of my arrest?

After the initial shock of an arrest wears off, many questions begin running through your head. One question you might have is, “Do I have to tell my work about my arrest?” Generally the answer is no. However, if you have signed an employment contract with your work,...

Under 21 Drinking and Driving Laws

DUI’s are never a good thing but can be even worse for those under the age of 21. If you are under the age of 21 and are caught driving after drinking, you could be charged with two different types of offenses. If you are .07 or less, you most likely will be charged...

3 Things To Ask Your Attorney Before Working With Them

3 Things To Ask Your Attorney Before Working With Them

If you’re faced with a legal challenge, now’s not the time to be hasty when it comes to your representation. Don’t just trust the ads; take the time to actually speak with a potential attorney. It may be one of the most important interviews you ever conduct. After...

Protecting your reputation after an arrest

Having an arrest on your record might score you extra points with a few people, but trust us -- those aren’t the people you want to be around. Unfortunately, having an arrest on your record carries a profound stigma, and it can interfere with your life and your...

Long-term Monitoring for DWI’s

If you’ve been arrested for a first- or second-degree DWI, you could find yourself subjected to jail time even before sentencing. Some offenders post bail, while others may be required to submit to Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM). Abstaining from alcohol...

The Real Story on “Good Behavior” and Prison Sentences

Between the television news, newspapers, and movies, you’ve certainly heard it: “The prisoner got out early on good behavior.” But what exactly does this mean? And who is eligible? “Good behavior” is the colloquial term for what the corrections system officially calls...