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Choosing the Right Lawyer for a Prostitution Case

Choosing the Right Lawyer for a Prostitution Case

Facing legal issues related to prostitution can be a daunting experience, requiring the assistance of a skilled attorney to navigate the complexities of the legal system. Choosing the right lawyer for a prostitution case is crucial in ensuring your rights are...

DWI Traffic Stops: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

DWI Traffic Stops: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

A DWI traffic stop occurs when a Minnesota law enforcement officer apprehends a driver who is suspected of operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Law enforcement often stops drivers who are driving “suspiciously” or not obeying traffic laws. While these...

Can A Strangulation Charge Be Dropped?

Can A Strangulation Charge Be Dropped?

Facing a strangulation charge can be a daunting and distressing experience. A conviction for strangulation has long-lasting impacts on both the defendant and their family members. If you’ve been accused of strangulation, you may wonder if it is possible for the...

Seat Belt Laws In Minnesota

Seat Belt Laws In Minnesota

It’s common knowledge that wearing a seat belt is the safest thing we can all do as vehicle occupants. They drastically cut down on injuries due to accidents, and those who are injured while wearing a seat belt have less severe injuries than those who don’t wear one....

Three Forgery Charges in Minnesota

Three Forgery Charges in Minnesota

Were you recently arrested for forgery? You may be wondering how seriously to take this charge. After all, using a fake ID or selling a pair of knockoff Nikes may not seem like a big deal. But you should know that any forgery charge can lead to time in prison and...