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How Should Lawyers Dress for Zoom Court Hearings?

How Should Lawyers Dress for Zoom Court Hearings?

In the new normal, court hearings will not be as they once were. Whether it is Skype, Zoom, WebX or Teams, court systems across the country are using technology to keep the wheels of justice rolling. Implementation of new technology can have hiccups, but one recent...

Getting Tired of Stay at Home?

Getting Tired of Stay at Home?

You have been good. You have been staying at home, not meeting with friends, trying to juggle kids, school, and work, and keeping in touch with friends and extended family. But enough is enough right? It is finally getting nice out. Your kids are ready to claw each...

Judicial Priorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Judicial Priorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied The legal maxim – Justice Delayed is Justice Denied – is a tenant of our criminal justice system. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting stress on this tenant. Here in Minnesota, Supreme Court Chief Justice Gildea recently issued an Order...

6 Common Misconceptions About Minnesota DUI Law

6 Common Misconceptions About Minnesota DUI Law

Driving under the influence can certainly be dangerous and illegal if one is over the legal limit. With that being said, many drivers are unaware of all the ways they can be charged with a DUI and what the repercussions may be. Some people believe you can only get a...

Understanding Minnesota Marijuana Laws

Understanding Minnesota Marijuana Laws

Update: As of August 1, 2023, possession of up to 2 oz. of marijuana for personal use is legal in Minnesota. As a result, some of the following information may be inaccurate. For more information on the updated marijuana laws in Minnesota, please see this post. It is...

New Teen Drivers at Higher Risk for Car Accidents in Minnesota

New Teen Drivers at Higher Risk for Car Accidents in Minnesota

When the keys to the family car are handed over to a teen, it’s exciting for them and terrifying for the parent! The freedom a kid has once they have their driver’s license can go to their head, sometimes causing them to cast caution aside. Then there’s the sense of...

Probation and The Minnesota Court System

Probation and The Minnesota Court System

Whether you were convicted of DWI, careless driving, assault, drug possession, or any other offense, a term of probation was likely part of your sentence. When someone is placed on probation they must remain in good behavior for a certain period of time. In Minnesota,...

Understanding Wrongful Death in Minnesota

Understanding Wrongful Death in Minnesota

The loss of a loved one is a devastating experience no matter the circumstances. Of course, no amount of money can replace your loved one, but you may be entitled to compensation if their death was caused by the wrongful conduct of another. A skilled Minnesota...