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Probation Violation Lawyers in Minnesota

Facing Probation Violation in MN?
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Don’t Risk Jail if Facing a Probation Violation Charge in Minnesota

You have the right to deny that you violated a probation condition, and the right to have an experienced, aggressive probation violation defense lawyer representing you. If the judge finds that you have violated your probation, you can be sent to a county jail or state prison. Even if you escape more time behind bars, strict additional requirements may be placed on you to continue probation.

It’s Easy to Violate Probation Rules

When you have been found guilty in a criminal case or you plead guilty, the court will enter the conviction on your record and may place you on probation. Typically, probation conditions include:

  • Community service
  • Fines and making restitution to a victim
  • Electronic home monitoring
  • Jail time
  • Prohibiting or limiting your contact with the victim or other people
  • Completing a chemical dependency program or undergoing psychological treatment
  • Remaining drug and alcohol free, and be subjected to random testing
  • Remaining law abiding and committing no same or similar offenses

Not meeting any of these or other conditions of your probation will result in a violation. It will happen even if the probation violation was accidental or inadvertent such as missing a community service appointment or probation meeting because you were sick in bed. These explanations may be used as a defense, however, probation is still likely to want you to appear in Court to address the violation.

What to Expect at Your MN Probation Violation Hearing

At the hearing, a judge will hear a report from the probation officer assigned to your case. You need an attorney to offset against any damaging evidence presented and argue on your behalf. Often, there are mitigating circumstances and only your attorneys will present the court with this information. For these reasons, call a probation violation defense attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller as soon as you are charged with a probation violation in Dakota County, across the Twin Cities metropolitan area or anywhere in Minneapolis and St.Paul, MN .


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