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Gun Crime Attorneys in Minnesota

Facing Gun Crime Charges?
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Gun and Firearm Defense Lawyers in Minnesota

Although carrying a gun or other firearm weapon is legal according to the U.S. Supreme Court, many lawful owners are falsely accused of violating laws regarding possession and face criminal charges as a result. At the same time, anyone using a firearm while committing another felony will have the severity of the penalties they face increased dramatically. This is why you need the tough and experienced gun crime defense lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller in Eagan defending you against charges that could land you in prison for years, even decades.

Possessing a Weapon May Increase the Punishment for Other Charges

Anybody arrested for suspicion of committing one of many different types of crimes and using a gun or weapon during the event will find themselves facing much tougher penalties. As just one example, simple assault from a bar fight would be escalated to a charge of aggravated assault and possibly attempted murder if police find you had a gun with you during the brawl. Other types of crimes that the Minnesota gun crime attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller defend against are:

Minnesota Gun Crime Attorneys

Sieben Edmunds Miller stand ready to defend people who face any criminal charges that relate to gun rights and weapons. Police and prosecutors may charge you with:

  • Gun permit denials
  • Unlawful possession of a firearm
  • Carrying a gun without a permit
  • Negligently storing a firearm
  • A minor possessing a firearm
  • Brandishing a weapon in public
  • Recklessly discharging a weapon
  • Carrying a weapon while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Having a loaded weapon in a vehicle
  • Illegally transporting a gun or weapon
  • Felon in possession of a firearm
  • Assault with a dangerous weapon
  • Murder
  • Violating federal firearm laws including possessing an automatic weapon
  • The unlawful sale of a firearm
  • Making a false statement on a firearm application
  • Recklessly discharging a firearm within a municipality
  • Endangering someone while discharging a weapon

Minnesota and Wisconsin Gun Laws Are Complex and Confusing

Because gun and firearm laws in Minnesota and Wisconsin are so complicated, police often charge somebody with a violation when they were not doing anything wrong. If this happens to you, do two things:

  1. Say nothing to police without a lawyer present. The police are not your friends, no matter how relaxed or casual they may seem. They are trained to do this so you inadvertently say something that will be used against you in court.
  2. Contact a gun crimes lawyer at Sieben Edmunds Miller immediately. Being arrested or charged with any gun crime is very serious. You could be facing a lengthy prison sentence and stiff fines.

We have the experience you need to defend you against the charges, protect your legal rights, and minimize the potential penalties. rights, call one of our experienced gun crime lawyers as soon as possible at (651) 994-6744. We will protect your rights.

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We are here to help. Let us evaluate your case for you. Free of charge – no obligation. Complete our free case evaluation form or call us directly at (651) 994-6744.

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