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4 Steps to Take if Your Loved One Was Killed in an Auto Accident

by Nov 24, 2020Car Accidents, Mike Miller, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

Car and truck accidents have the ability to cause catastrophic damages and sometimes fatal injuries. Unfortunately, the destruction and pain doesn’t stop after a negligent driver causes the death of another driver, passenger, or pedestrian. The deceased individual’s family will continue to feel the pain of their loss indefinitely, and they’ll have to grieve while handling their loved one’s end of life expenses.

At Sieben Edmunds Miller, we don’t believe you should be forced to deal with the added burden of financial difficulties while grieving the death of your family member. When another driver is responsible for your loved one’s death, their insurance should cover the deceased’s medical bills, end of life expenses, and loss of wages that would otherwise be available for surviving family members. Our Minnesota truck accident lawyers can’t bring back your beloved family member, but we will help you seek compensation to assuage your financial fears.

Here’s a legal perspective on how to handle a fatal car or truck accident that took the life of your spouse, child, parent, or another family member.

Seek Legal Representation

You should seek legal representation as soon as possible after the accident. A seasoned Minnesota car accident lawyer can help you collect evidence, retain the appropriate experts, look at crash reconstruction, talk with the insurance companies, and prepare for a trial. We know how devastated you must be that you’ve lost a loved one, and we don’t want to see you financially burdened as you grieve. We’ll be sure insurance companies don’t try to take advantage of you during this vulnerable time.

Collect Evidence

It’s important to preserve as much evidence as possible of the accident. Photographs of the wreckage, dash cam footage, and statements from eyewitnesses can all positively contribute to the strength of your claim.

You may have access to evidence prior to hiring an attorney, so it’s important to pay attention to everything and keep all relevant evidence until your Minnesota truck accident attorney has a chance to look at it. If you’re unsure whether something might be valuable, save it anyway.

Track Expenses

A personal injury lawsuit is meant to cover expenses such as medical bills, funeral expenses, loss of wages, as well as loss of companionship. Insurance companies will sometimes try to avoid going to court by offering the deceased’s family a settlement, but you need to make sure the settlement is fair and will cover all your financial obligations before accepting. When you begin tracking your expenses right away, you can be sure you’ll be fairly compensated.

Minimize Communication About the Accident

Insurance companies don’t want to spend money on personal injury cases, so they will try to get their own evidence to show they shouldn’t be required to pay. You should not discuss the case publicly or on social media because it could come back to affect your case or settlement.

Also, don’t communicate with any insurance companies without the aid of your Minnesota car accident lawyer. We’ve seen families badgered into taking an inadequate settlement from the insurance company just because they haven’t had a chance to consult an attorney about their options yet. This is a sad situation where the family members may end up unable to pay for the deceased’s medical bills and final expenses while remaining financially secure long-term. Our team of personal injury lawyers won’t let this happen to you. We will also make sure that we track down all available options for compensation. Many times people do not realize the different companies that may be required to pay for your damages, including your own.

Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers for Fatal Car Accidents

Sieben Edmunds Miller’s team of personal injury attorneys for Minnesota families is always standing by to help you determine whether you have grounds for a personal injury case. If your loved one lost his or her life in an auto accident and you believe another driver was responsible, contact our experienced team at (651) 323-2464 to learn more and get started.

Social Media Blurb

Car and truck accidents have the ability to cause catastrophic damages and sometimes fatal injuries. Unfortunately, the destruction and pain doesn’t stop after a negligent driver causes the death of another driver, passenger, or pedestrian. The deceased individual’s family will continue to feel the pain of their loss indefinitely, and they’ll have to grieve while handling their loved one’s end-of-life expenses.

We don’t believe you should be forced to deal with the added burden of financial difficulties while grieving the death of your family member. When another driver is responsible for your loved one’s death, an insurance company should cover the deceased’s medical bills, end of life expenses, and loss of wages that would otherwise cause financial hardship for surviving family members, as well as other elements of damage including loss of companionship.

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