As the summer heat nears, so do the summer holidays. If your Memorial Day weekend or 4th of July holiday plans include alcohol, you should start planning now. And no, I do not mean ordering a keg. Two of the top three deadliest impaired driving holidays within the...
Minnesota Whiskey Plate Laws and What They Mean
No, it’s not a name for the tray the bar uses to serve up a round of shots. “Whiskey plates” are specialty license plates that can be a consequence of a DWI arrest. You’ve probably seen them on the roads in Minnesota. These state issued plates start with “WX or WY” –...
Under the Limit? You Still Could be Charged with a DWI.
You have had a couple of drinks. You do the math; you know there is no way you are over .08. Confident in your sobriety, you get behind the wheel to head home. Then the flashing lights of a squad car appear in your rearview mirror. You tell yourself that you are...
How to deal with a DWI
It’s late. You’re driving home, and flashing lights appear behind you. You pull over. You’ve had a couple of drinks. What happens next? No one wants to be in this situation, but it happens every day. This scenario involves a lot of uncertainty. What are your rights?...
Let’s Play Ball! The Link Between Sporting Events and Alcohol
Whether it is a baseball, football or hockey game, alcohol seems to be the beverage of choice for many attendees. Even before the game, many people tailgate around their parked vehicles with hamburgers, hot dogs and a beer in anticipation of the big game to come. In...
Miranda Rights: What You Need to Know
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with an attorney…” We’ve all heard the Miranda rights on TV shows and in movies. But if you’ve ever had them read to you in person,...
Minnesota DWI Penalties Strengthened With The Ignition Interlock
The freedom to drive is often taken for granted. Imagining a world without the ability to travel at ease may seem more like a bad dream to most. But for about 30,000 people statewide who are charged with driving while intoxicated each year, this nightmare quickly...
The Breathalyzer: Making quick work of DWI/DUI tests since 1954
1954: Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio, RCA manufactured the first color TV set, and the New York Giants won the World Series. It’s also the year that the Breathalyzer was invented. It was developed in response to the need for a quicker – and more portable –...
Probation and the Minnesota Court System
Whether you were convicted of DWI, careless driving, assault, drug possession, or any other offense, probation was likely a part of your sentence. In Minnesota, there are typically two types of probation, to the court and to community corrections. Generally, if the...
When Can the Police Stop my vehicle?
Under Minnesota Law, an officer is allowed to stop a vehicle so long as the officer has a reasonable legal basis to make the stop. An officer is allowed to stop a vehicle when they have actually observed a violation of the law. If an officer observes a violation of...
Whiskey Plates; Another Embarrassing Consequence of a Minnesota DWI
If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DWI, “whisky plates” may be your next purchase. Whiskey Plates are specialty license plates that are issued by the State to help local law enforcement officers keep an eye out for those who present a high risk to...
Will I go to Jail for my DWI?
The number one question on most people’s minds after being charged with a DWI is, “will I go to jail?”. The answer to that question can vary depending upon the severity level of the DWI and the quality of lawyer you have fighting for your rights. In Minnesota and...
Bail: How to get out of jail quick
The first question that goes through most people’s minds when they are booked into jail is “How do I get out?” If you are not immediately released on your own recognizance, the first step to get out of jail is to get bail set. Bail is money given as collateral to...
The Source Code and Minnesota DWI Arrests
In recent weeks and months there has been a considerable amount of publicity regarding the “Source Code” for the Intoxilyzer 5000 EN (the breath test machine). In laymen terms, the Source Code is the computer code that tells the machine how to convert a breath sample...
The New Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program
Minnesota has recently started a program which allows driver’s who have been cancelled or suspended, because of DWI arrests, an opportunity to regain their driving privileges. The Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program places a “breathalyzer” in the car of the...