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The truth about felonies and your record

by Jul 26, 2011Education, Felony, Sam Edmunds

It’s a common question: “How long will a felony stay on my record?” It’s usually followed up with: “Is it possible to get a felony removed from my record?”

Under normal circumstances, a felony charge stays on your record for the rest of your life. Even though your repeat offender status may “re-set” after a certain number of years, courts will still keep track of previous offenses.

However, there is a way to affect your record in Minnesota. It’s called “expungement,” and it involves sealing an existing record.

Criminal expungement doesn’t erase your record, but it does limit who can access information about your crime. Since landlords, employers and the public can theoretically access your criminal record, expungement is an appealing option for many people.

So, how can you get a criminal expungement? For starters, you need to submit an expungement request to the court. They will consider factors such as how many years have passed and whether or not the charges were dismissed. Ultimately, the result is up to the judge.

Your record can affect many aspects of your life. Get informed and find out if expungement is an option for you. Contact an experienced attorney today.

Source: Minnesota Judicial Branch:

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