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Probable Cause / Search and Seizure

Even if you’ve never experienced it firsthand, you’ve probably seen this scenario play out in a movie: someone gets pulled over by a police officer, and a request is made for the driver to step out of the vehicle while the officer takes a look around the car. You may...

Staying Safe During The Holidays

It’s a fact: DUI patrols increase during the holiday season, and so do DUI arrests. With all the holiday parties over the next several weeks, you may well find yourself in a situation where you’re not sure if it’s safe to drive home. Don’t assume you can slip home...

3 Things To Ask Your Attorney Before Working With Them

3 Things To Ask Your Attorney Before Working With Them

If you’re faced with a legal challenge, now’s not the time to be hasty when it comes to your representation. Don’t just trust the ads; take the time to actually speak with a potential attorney. It may be one of the most important interviews you ever conduct. After...

Can social media be used as evidence in court?

Think twice before you post a Facebook album full of photos from your next party. Those captured moments may come back to haunt you. It may feel like the album -- or any posts -- are just between you and your friends, but that’s simply not the case. Which leads us to...

Protecting your reputation after an arrest

Having an arrest on your record might score you extra points with a few people, but trust us -- those aren’t the people you want to be around. Unfortunately, having an arrest on your record carries a profound stigma, and it can interfere with your life and your...

Hunting, Drinking and Criminal Convictions.

Hunting, Drinking and Criminal Convictions.

Hunting is a favorite past-time for many Minnesotans and as with many favorite past times, some hunters like to enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two.  This raises the question, “is it ok to drink and hunt?” Under Minnesota Statute, a person may not take wild animals...

Felony vs. Misdemeanor Drug Charges in Minnesota

We’ve talked a lot about drinking and driving, but there’s another topic that warrants (no pun intended) attention. The topic? Drug charges. The official term is “Controlled substance” charges. According to 2010 Minnesota statute 152.01, controlled substance means “a...

TV vs. Reality: What’s prison really like?

Even if you’ve never spent a second behind bars, you likely have an image in your mind. It’s an image built on a Hollywood sound stage and featured widely in TV shows and movies. Some TV shows and movies portray prison as gritty and violent, while others have more of...

Long-term Monitoring for DWI’s

If you’ve been arrested for a first- or second-degree DWI, you could find yourself subjected to jail time even before sentencing. Some offenders post bail, while others may be required to submit to Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM). Abstaining from alcohol...

The Real Story on “Good Behavior” and Prison Sentences

Between the television news, newspapers, and movies, you’ve certainly heard it: “The prisoner got out early on good behavior.” But what exactly does this mean? And who is eligible? “Good behavior” is the colloquial term for what the corrections system officially calls...

How to Select a DWI Attorney

If you or a close friend or family member has been charged with driving under the influence, you’re sure to want the best possible resolution of the situation. The aftermath of a DWI arrest is a scary and uncertain time. You or your loved one may be overwhelmed by the...

What’s the Difference Between Jail and Prison?

Jail. Prison. The words are often used interchangeably, but there’s actually a significant difference between the two. The first difference has to do with crime severity. In Minnesota, a prison is used to house only felony level offenders. So if you haven’t been...

The truth about felonies and your record

It’s a common question: “How long will a felony stay on my record?” It’s usually followed up with: “Is it possible to get a felony removed from my record?” Under normal circumstances, a felony charge stays on your record for the rest of your life. Even though your...

2010 Minnesota DWI Report by the Numbers

The verdict is in: The Minnesota Department of Public Safety released a final crash report for 2010, and things are looking better -- well, marginally better. This annual report highlights crash statistics and also offers information on impaired driving. Here’s a look...

A day in the life of someone with a DUI/DWI

What’s on your mind today? Perhaps you’re thinking about where to pick up take-out for supper, or how you’re going to find time to squeeze in a workout. Maybe you’re wondering where you’re going to meet your friends for drinks later. If you have a DUI or DWI on your...

Life after a Felony DWI

Felony: The word could hardly be heavier, and with good reason. Felonies represent the most serious category of criminal charges, and the corresponding penalties are equally severe. So what happens after you’ve been convicted of a felony DWI? In Minnesota, if you’re...

Misdemeanor vs. Felony DWI

There are a few topics that just weren’t covered in your ninth grade civics class. For example: misdemeanor vs. felony DWIs. This topic might have been (understandably) left out of the textbooks, but it’s important information. Here’s a quick tutoring session to get...

What You Need to Know About Minnesota DWI Laws

DWI laws are complicated, and they vary from state to state. Most Minnesotans know that the blood alcohol limit in Minnesota is 0.08, but that’s just one of the many laws regulating drinking and driving. If you’re like most people, you have plenty of responsibilities...