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S|E DWI Blog #10 – Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring

S|E DWI Blog #10 – Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring

Posted: October 11, 2015 Technological advances have made the imposition of conditions of release and sentencing more flexible. In a DWI case, a judge may order a defendant to comply with certain conditions during pretrial release or as part of sentencing. A common...

S|E DWI Blog #9 – DWI Aggravating Factors

Posted: October 8, 2015 In Minnesota there are varying degrees of driving while impaired (DWI) offenses. An individual can be charged with a DWI for operating a motor vehicle with an alcohol concentration that is .08 or over. If “aggravating factors” are present, then...

Help! I’m in custody–DWI Conditional Release

If you’re in custody for a DWI, one thing you’re probably thinking is “How do I get out of jail?!” A judge can consider a number of factors before releasing you from custody. The court must set bail or impose conditions of release that you must follow while your case...

S|E DWI Blog #7 – Underage drinking & driving in Minnesota

Posted: September 18, 2015 Underage drinking is a nationwide problem that can lead to devastating consequences. According to the Mayo Clinic, underage drinking often leads to alcohol-related accidents, increased sexual activity, problems at school, alcoholism, and an...

S|E DWI Blog #6 – Limited Licenses

Posted: September 15, 2015 Commuting to work, dropping children off at school, and running errands are daily occurrences in most people's lives. Without a license, accomplishing these tasks can be incredibly difficult.  Fortunately, there is an option for getting your...

S|E DWI Blog #5 – Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program

Posted: September 10, 2015 One of the consequences of getting a DWI is losing your driving privileges. Most people are drastically unprepared to lose their license. Daily obligations continue after a DWI; people still need to commute to work or drop children off at...

S|E DWI Blog #4 – DWI Defenses – A Primer

Posted: September 1, 2015 We'll continue our discussion of DWI defenses in this week's Sieben|Edmunds DWI Blog series. In our last blog post, we discussed the affirmative defense of necessity. The governor and legislature responded to Axelberg by permitting the...


The Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) has announced that Samuel J. Edmunds has been named a MSBA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. This certification program is administered by the MSBA and approved by the State Board of Legal Certification. To become a...

Local Police Chief – DWI Charge

Even those we would least expect can pick up a DWI charge. Here, a local police chief faces DWI charges after recently undergoing a domestic violence prosecution. Apparently he planned to stay on the job after being convicted of a disorderly conduct, but now the DWI...

Have a Safe and Happy Holidays

Have a Safe and Happy Holidays

With the holiday season approaching quickly, we wanted to remind everyone to be safe and find a sober ride home. DWI patrols increase during the holiday season, and so do DWI arrests. With all the holiday parties over the next several weeks, you may well find yourself...

DWI Blog Series – Part Three – DWI License Revocations

Minnesota Statute mandates immediate driver’s license revocation in many DWI cases. When a person submits to and fails a Datamaster breath test, or refuses testing, the license revocation is virtually immediate.   (a) Upon certification by the peace officer that...