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New Teen Drivers at Higher Risk for Car Accidents in Minnesota

by Jan 20, 2020Car Accidents, Mike Miller, Personal Injury

When the keys to the family car are handed over to a teen, it’s exciting for them and terrifying for the parent! The freedom a kid has once they have their driver’s license can go to their head, sometimes causing them to cast caution aside. Then there’s the sense of immortality—that’s not going to happen to me! — often a typical attitude of young people. In fact, the first year a teenager has their license is the highest lifetime period for a car accident. Obviously, there are many good reasons to be concerned about a new teen driver.

True, it is a teen’s first real move towards freedom and independence. Undoubtedly, that’s thrilling, but their immaturity, lack of skills and experience identifies them as having the highest rate of fatal crashes among all drivers on Minnesota roads. They may speed, be distracted (especially if their friends are in the car) and make careless mistakes.

And until a parent hands over the family car keys to them, the child has been under adult supervision and protection throughout their life. But when they’re in a car without a parent, a parent’s protective umbrella is closed.

That’s frightening.

Car Accidents Are A Leading Cause of Severe Injuries and Death for U.S. Teens on Minnesota Roadways

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), car accidents killed 2,500 teens under age 20 in 2018, that’s on average seven young people dead yearly.

Top 10 Causes of Severe Injuries and Fatalities in Minnesota Teenage Car Accidents

  1. Driving inexperience
  2. Teen passengers in the car while driving
  3. Nighttime driving
  4. Not wearing a seat belt
  5. Distracted driving
  6. Talking or texting on a cell phone
  7. Looking at GPS
  8. Fatigued driving
  9. Reckless driving
  10. Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol

The Minnesota Department of Transportation Reports Specific Reasons for Minnesota Teen Car Accidents

To be more specific about what causes our state’s teen car accidents, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported the following 2019 statistics.

Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety – Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts, 2019

  • Failure to yield right of way
  • Erratic driving
  • Following too closely
  • Inattention
  • Speeding
  • Illegal lane usage
  • Overcorrecting
  • Swerving
  • Illegal turn
  • Improper merging
  • Running red light/stop sign
  • Obscured vision
  • Disregarding traffic signs/road markings
  • Improper backing
  • Improper passing
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Darting in and out of traffic

Experienced Minnesota Teen Driving Car Accident Law Firm

Our firm is based in the Twin Cities Metro area with easy access for Eagan, Hastings, and Minneapolis clients, and we accept cases throughout Dakota County and Minnesota.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident that was caused by a teen driver, we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to pursue an insurance claim and a personal injury financial settlement for you. Though a teen driver didn’t mean to hurt anyone, that doesn’t absolve them or their parent of responsibility for an accident caused damages. Even if a teen has automobile insurance coverage, it may not cover all the expenses incurred because of their dangerous driving.

Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help You Fully Recover Your Damages

You may pursue a personal injury claim so that you or your injured loved one may recover monetary damages for past and future medical bills, ambulance charges, rehabilitation, cost of hiring household/errand assistance, loss of consortium, and more. As your personal injury Minnesota car accident lawyers, we will work tirelessly to help you acquire the money you deserve.

Time is of the Essence—You Only Have Two Years to File A Personal Injury Claim

You have two years to file a personal injury claim, but delaying could jeopardize your case. And with the complexity of filing a claim, it’s critical that you do it correctly. But without understanding Minnesota’s personal injury laws and filing on time, your ability to collect damages may be compromised.

To protect yourself when you or a loved one has been injured because of a teen’s negligence or reckless driving, you need trusted, experienced Minneapolis personal injury lawyers who will protect your rights and who genuinely care about you. When we work for you, it’s important that you have legal guidance to avoid claim missteps.

Sieben Edmunds Miller Lawyers Represent Clients throughout Minneapolis, the Twin Cities and Dakota County—Contact Us Today

To understand your rights and the possibility of fair economic recovery, all you need to do right now is give the Sieben Edmunds Miller personal injury Minnesota attorneys a call at 651.323.2464to set up a no-cost, no obligation consultation. If you prefer, you can send us a message on our easy-to-use contact form. Either way, we’ll communicate with you quickly and provide you with a free case review and explanation of your legal options.

We look forward to helping you recover both physically and financially.

Free Case Evaluation

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