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Left Turns: The Greatest Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?

Left Turns: The Greatest Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?

Most motorcycle riders are aware that they won’t come away unscathed from an auto accident. They are careful to avoid traffic laws and drive defensively. Unfortunately, sometimes circumstances are completely out of the motorcycle rider’s control, and they end up...

How Long Does A DWI Stay On Your Record in Minnesota?

How Long Does A DWI Stay On Your Record in Minnesota?

A DWI conviction can make life very difficult. It may affect your ability to get a new job, rent a house or apartment, or travel to countries with strict DWI laws. Understandably, many people who have been convicted of a DWI wonder how long they’ll have to deal with...

What Do Personal Injury Cases That Settle Have in Common?

What Do Personal Injury Cases That Settle Have in Common?

Many personal injury clients would prefer to settle their case, but it’s not wise to take any old settlement offer. Their attorney must negotiate a favorable settlement to ensure all your accident-related expenses are covered. Here’s what goes into settling a personal...

Should I Sign My Traffic Ticket If I Did Nothing Wrong?

Should I Sign My Traffic Ticket If I Did Nothing Wrong?

You should always do your best to protect your rights during an interaction with law enforcement  – just because a police officer asks you to do something, it doesn’t mean you are required by law to agree. Law enforcement officers are eager to issue tickets, so the...

Three Forgery Charges in Minnesota

Three Forgery Charges in Minnesota

Were you recently arrested for forgery? You may be wondering how seriously to take this charge. After all, using a fake ID or selling a pair of knockoff Nikes may not seem like a big deal. But you should know that any forgery charge can lead to time in prison and...

Is Hungover Driving Illegal in Minnesota?

Is Hungover Driving Illegal in Minnesota?

If you’re on the mend from a big night out drinking, you may be experiencing the unpleasant effects of a hangover: headache, fatigue, nausea, and general unease. We usually assume that a hangover means we’ve slept off the alcohol and we’re ready to start our day. But...

Injuries Sustained During Summer Jet Ski Accidents

Injuries Sustained During Summer Jet Ski Accidents

If there’s one thing Minnesotans know how to do, it’s how to have fun in the summer. With our cold winter weather, most of us want to get out and experience nature as soon as the temperatures start to rise. For many of us that means spending time on the lake.  From...

Minnesota Ignition Interlock For An Out-Of-State DWI?

Minnesota Ignition Interlock For An Out-Of-State DWI?

Many Minnesota drivers have received a DWI in another state, most commonly in Wisconsin. Minnesota and Wisconsin share records, so both states are aware if you get a DWI. This means you may face repercussions in both states, including possible license revocation....

Negligence in Motorcycle Accident Claims

Negligence in Motorcycle Accident Claims

Sadly, motorcycle accidents that cause serious injuries or death are relatively common because many drivers do not understand how to share the road with motorcycles. Sometimes drivers do not look for motorcycles before changing lanes or running a stop sign. Motorcycle...

Breathalyzer Issues That May Lead to An Unfair DWI Charge

Breathalyzer Issues That May Lead to An Unfair DWI Charge

Breathalyzers are commonly used by law enforcement when they pull someone over for suspicion of driving while intoxicated. A breathalyzer is an interesting piece of technology that is meant to measure the amount of alcohol in your blood by analyzing your breath. The...

What to Do After A Head-On Car Accident

What to Do After A Head-On Car Accident

Head-on collisions are often very serious. Usually, both drivers will be affected because of the nature of the accident. In some cases, car accident fatalities may occur. When one driver causes injuries to another, they must be held responsible through a personal...