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Lindsay Lohan Arrested, Again!

by Nov 29, 2012Assault / Domestic Assault, Criminal Defense Attorney, News Stories

After a night out on the town, Lindsay Lohan is once again in trouble with the law. Early this morning in New York City, Ms. Lohan was arrested on third degree assault charges after allegedly hitting a woman in a nightclub.

The alleged victim did not appear to have sustained any injuries, but an accusation of assault could have a serious impact on Ms. Lohan’s life. Apart from possible punishment for this new offense, Ms. Lohan is currently on probation in California after pleading guilty to misdemeanor theft charges earlier this year. A new criminal conviction could violate the terms of her probation and lead to even more punishment.

While the facts of this case are still being revealed, it is important to remember that there are two sides to every allegation. Perhaps the best thing Ms. Lohan could do now, is hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to sort through these allegations.

To read more on Lindsay Lohan visit:

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