Welcome to the first installment of the Sieben Edmunds DWI Blog Series. This series will provide a basic overview of DWI law in Minnesota and then later we’ll get into some of the more specific and complicated aspects of DWI criminal defense. Minnesota’s DWI...
The Lawnmower and the DWI
It’s always good to remember that “motor vehicle” is defined very broadly for purposes of the DWI/DUI laws. Here is an example of a guy that thought it would be a good idea to make a beer run on his lawnmower. I suppose he thought better of it after his encounter with...
DWI Life Sentence
With good legal representation, your first DWI usually can get you a $300 fine and some probation and classes. A second offense might yield a 30 day sentence. More priors, high alcohol readings, and test refusals can make the consequences much worse. In Minnesota,...
Brooks Decision Announced
The Minnesota Supreme Court released its decision in State v. Brooks today at 10:00 a.m. We’re reading and absorbing the decision as I write, but at first blush it appears that the Court has upheld all consensual alcohol testing in DWI cases. Check out the decision...
Will Your DWI Alcohol Test Be Thrown Out? – McNeely & Brooks
DWI law in Minnesota is truly up in the air. On April 17, 2013, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Missouri v. McNeely and its impact is being felt all across the country, especially in Minnesota. The Court held that law enforcement had violated...
Enhanced DWI Charging
Most first time DWI offenses in Minnesota are misdemeanors. The crime is called Fourth Degree DWI. The maximum penalty for a misdemeanor Fourth Degree DWI is 90 days in local jail and a $1,000 fine, just like all misdemeanors. However, many DWI crimes are charged out...
DWI Vehicle Forfeitures
Today let's talk about motor vehicle forfeitures in DWI cases. Minnesota statutes allow the government to forfeit, or take title to, your vehicle if you commit particular types of DWI offenses. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169A.63 sets out the types of offenses that...
The Difference Between DWI and DUI & Why it is Important for YOU to Know!
Do you know the difference between a DWI-DUI? Do you know what these acronyms stand for? Is one worse than the other? Let us start first by defining these terms. First there is "DUI" which stands for “Driving Under the Influence. All that is required to be convicted...
Oh No… I Have Been Drinking and I Got Pulled Over!
Kevin Sieben Law, LLC presents a PowerPoint video outlining procedures to follow when stopped for a DWI arrest. The best advice is don't drink and drive.
Can you get a DWI on a Segway? Watch Kevin Sieben on WCCO-TV News.
MEDINA, Minn. (WCCO) – A Medina man pulled over for driving a Segway under the influence has beat those charges – again. In fact, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled Segways are exempt from DWI laws. Last February, police in Medina pulled over Mark Greenman on his...
Minnesota DWI Record Holder
Most people enjoy being record holders, but this record is not one to brag about. Danny Bettcher holds the record for the most DWI’s in Minnesota; 27. A little over one month after Bettcher had been released from prison, he went to a bar and drank. Both conditions...
Under 21 Drinking and Driving Laws
DUI’s are never a good thing but can be even worse for those under the age of 21. If you are under the age of 21 and are caught driving after drinking, you could be charged with two different types of offenses. If you are .07 or less, you most likely will be charged...
Drinking, Golfing and the Legal Consequences
After a cold, snowy, and long winter, the weather is finally improving which, for many Minnesotans, means it’s time to dust off their golf clubs and hit the course. Many Minnesotans take the 4+ hours they spend on the golf course as an opportunity to enjoy some...
Can I go to Canada with a DWI Conviction?
For years this question has been one of interest for those who have been charged, convicted, or accused of DWI or DUI. Fishing and hunting trips to Canada with family and friends is a favorite past-time of many Minnesotans and until recently, if you had a DWI...
DWI Roadblocks in Minnesota
We were all taught at a young age of the dangers of drinking and driving and the consequences that come along with it. Police in some states have set up DWI checkpoints in the form of roadblocks in areas with high DWI offense rates to monitor drinking and driving. ...
Probable Cause / Search and Seizure
Even if you’ve never experienced it firsthand, you’ve probably seen this scenario play out in a movie: someone gets pulled over by a police officer, and a request is made for the driver to step out of the vehicle while the officer takes a look around the car. You may...
Staying Safe During The Holidays
It’s a fact: DUI patrols increase during the holiday season, and so do DUI arrests. With all the holiday parties over the next several weeks, you may well find yourself in a situation where you’re not sure if it’s safe to drive home. Don’t assume you can slip home...
Long-term Monitoring for DWI’s
If you’ve been arrested for a first- or second-degree DWI, you could find yourself subjected to jail time even before sentencing. Some offenders post bail, while others may be required to submit to Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM). Abstaining from alcohol...