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Order for Protection / Harassment Restraining Order Attorneys in MN

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If You Have Been Charged with Violating a Restraining Order

Violating any restraining order is a criminal offense considered serious enough to include a possible jail sentence. Violations of Orders for Protection, Harassment Restraining Orders, and Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders can be prosecuted at the misdemeanor or even felony level under some circumstances. As experienced defense lawyers, Minneapolis Criminal Defense Lawyers and St.Paul Criminal Defense Lawyers are aggressive in helping people who have been charged with violating a restraining order in Minnesota. You are entitled to a strong defense.

Restraining Orders in Minnesota

There are three types of restraining orders in Minnesota as well as throughout the state.

  • OFP – An Order for Protection will protect somebody who has suffered abuse from a family member or someone who lives in the house. Violating an OFP is a criminal offense and can carry a jail sentence.
  • HRO – A Harassment Restraining Order is intended to protect a person from harassment, even if they are not related. Violating an HRO is a criminal offense and can carry a jail sentence.
  • DANCO – A Domestic Abuse No Contact Order is issued by a judge at the request of a prosecutor, not an abuse victim. Violating a DANCO is a criminal offense and can carry a jail sentence.

This is why anyone served with an OFP or HRO must fight to have it removed before it becomes a permanent order. A Sieben Edmunds Miller attorney will present evidence in your favor, cross-examine witnesses, and challenge any claims made by the person seeking the order.

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