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License Revocation Attorneys in MN

Driver's License Revoked? We can help.
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Minnesota License Revocation

When your license is revoked due to a criminal charge like a DUI, you’ll be faced with both a civil and a criminal case. With the help of a qualified and knowledgeable Minneapolis driver’s license revocation defense attorney and DWI lawyer, you can fight both DWI charges and license revocation.

You shouldn’t surrender your driver’s license without a fight. With the right advocate in your corner, you can successfully fight revocation and get your license back. A license is an important tool that helps you remain independent and navigate your daily life.

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Driver’s License Suspension Lengths

To fight license revocation or suspension, you have 60 days from the date of the notice of revocation to take action. The date of a DWI arrest is considered the date of notice. The most common mistake that people make when faced with license suspension or revocation is failing to request a judicial hearing within the 60-day timeframe. Sieben Edmunds Miller’s attorneys can file this paperwork for you to ensure you’re within the necessary timeframe.

If your license is suspended due to a DUI or DWI, the length of the suspension can vary based on whether you are under 21 years old, whether you refused a chemical test, and your blood alcohol test results. You face the following suspension lengths:

  • Anywhere from 90 days to one year for a first offense
  • One to two years if it is your second offense
  • Three years for the third offense
  • Four years for the fourth offense
  • Six years for the fifth offense

With the help of the right attorney, you can fight to have your license suspended for a shorter period of time based on the details of your case. Even if you feel a license suspension is inevitable, work with your attorney to get back on the road sooner.

Ignition Interlock Systems

First-time offenders who have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.16 or more may be required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicles to regain their driving privileges. Second-time alcohol offenders also have the option to install an ignition interlock device if they would like to regain their driving privileges. The device requires offenders to take a breath test to determine their alcohol concentration prior to driving their vehicle. It is connected to the vehicle and will not allow it to start until the driver has been tested and has proven they are not intoxicated.

An ignition interlock system can be a good option for you if you are facing license revocation because you can continue to use your vehicle as you normally would as long as you haven’t been drinking. Ask your attorney if an ignition interlock system is an option in your case.

Limited License/Work Permit

In some cases, you may have the option of a limited license that allows you to get yourself to and from work every day. This can be a better option than a total license revocation because it allows you to continue to provide for yourself and your family, but it’s important to remember that a limited license has earned its title – it is very limiting and can be incredibly inconvenient.

Our Attorneys Help You Fight License Revocation

Are you faced with the possibility of losing your license after a DUI or DWI? The Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys and St. Paul criminal defense attorneys of Sieben Edmunds Miller can help you keep your license, which may be exactly what you need to keep your job, your relationships with friends and family, and your overall independence. Contact us to learn more about how we’ve helped past clients keep their licenses, and how we can help you do the same.

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We are here to help. Let us evaluate your case for you. Free of charge – no obligation. Complete our free case evaluation form or call us directly at (651) 323-2464.

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