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Addressing Traumatic Brain Injuries from Car Accidents

Addressing Traumatic Brain Injuries from Car Accidents

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most devastating consequences of car accidents, often leading to significant physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and long-term effects of TBIs...

Hit and Run Accidents: What to Do in the Aftermath

Hit and Run Accidents: What to Do in the Aftermath

Encountering a hit and run car accident can be a bewildering and distressing situation, leaving you uncertain about the next steps. Whether you are the victim or a witness to such an incident, understanding how to respond is crucial. Hit and run accidents present...

The Many Ramifications Of Head-On Collisions

The Many Ramifications Of Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions can be absolutely devastating, even life-changing, to the accident victim and their family. These accidents don’t just affect the physical well-being of those involved but also their emotional, financial, and legal circumstances. Let’s delve into...

The Dangerous Habit of Running Red Lights

The Dangerous Habit of Running Red Lights

Running red lights is a dangerous habit that can cause severe accidents and injuries. While some people may do it out of impatience or ignorance, it is crucial to understand the potential consequences of this behavior. In this blog post, we will explore the dangers of...

Understanding Common Injuries in Auto Accidents

Understanding Common Injuries in Auto Accidents

Auto accidents can be traumatic events that cause physical and emotional harm to those involved. Understanding the common injuries sustained in auto accidents is crucial for both accident victims and the general public. Let’s take a look at some of the most common...

Winter Driving Statistics and Safety Tips You Need to Know

Winter Driving Statistics and Safety Tips You Need to Know

Winter driving can be challenging, dangerous, and sometimes deadly. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 1,300 people die in winter weather-related car crashes each year. Minnesota’s winter weather can be very unpredictable,...

Minnesota Ice-Related Car Accident Fatalities

Minnesota Ice-Related Car Accident Fatalities

Often when we hear of a fatal car crash due to icy roads, it is considered a tragic accident with nobody to blame but mother nature. While this may be the case for many car accidents, it does not apply to cases where the surviving driver was acting recklessly or with...

Seat Belt Laws In Minnesota

Seat Belt Laws In Minnesota

It’s common knowledge that wearing a seat belt is the safest thing we can all do as vehicle occupants. They drastically cut down on injuries due to accidents, and those who are injured while wearing a seat belt have less severe injuries than those who don’t wear one....

Where Should I Receive Medical Attention After an Accident?

Where Should I Receive Medical Attention After an Accident?

Often times the primary purpose of a personal injury case is to address the cost of treating your injuries, as well as addressing lost wages and the other consequences of your injury, such as pain and suffering. One of the ways to prove your case is through your...

How Dash Cams Can Impact Your Accident Claim

How Dash Cams Can Impact Your Accident Claim

Did you have the forethought to install a dash cam in your vehicle before getting in your recent car accident? According to Minnesota dash cam laws, it may provide valuable evidence that can help you win a personal injury case. Here’s how your Minnesota  personal...

Left Turns: The Greatest Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?

Left Turns: The Greatest Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?

Most motorcycle riders are aware that they won’t come away unscathed from an auto accident. They are careful to avoid traffic laws and drive defensively. Unfortunately, sometimes circumstances are completely out of the motorcycle rider’s control, and they end up...