Many Minnesota drivers have received a DWI in another state, most commonly in Wisconsin. Minnesota and Wisconsin share records, so both states are aware if you get a DWI. This means you may face repercussions in both states, including possible license revocation....
DO NOT Lie to the Police!
Many people in the United States feel safer using a fake ID for many reasons. Some use it for work, or for driving because they don’t have a driver’s license. Others use a fake ID for school. Most people do it because they either can’t get a real ID (such as a...
STOP! For School Buses
With the pandemic slowing down and the world opening up again, there are more and more vehicles on the road every day, including more school buses. For most of Minnesota, the number of school buses during the pandemic decreased because kids were in distance learning....
Do I Need a Lawyer for my Criminal Case?
People ask me this question all the time. And my response is always the same: “You may not need a lawyer, but you may want a lawyer.” Simply put, if you’re facing a crime (or the potential of being charged with a crime), you always have the right to represent...