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What You Need to Know About Minnesota DWI Laws

by Jun 27, 2011DWI / DUI, Sam Edmunds

Sieben Edmunds Miller - What You Need to Know About Minnesota DWI Laws

Sieben Edmunds Miller – What You Need to Know About Minnesota DWI Laws

DWI laws are complicated, and they vary from state to state. Most Minnesotans know that the blood alcohol limit in Minnesota is 0.08, but that’s just one of the many laws regulating drinking and driving.

If you’re like most people, you have plenty of responsibilities keeping you busy and you may not have a lot of time to research the finer details of Minnesota DWI laws. Those details may seem minor, but they can make a major difference in DWI proceedings.

Here are a few important things to know about Minnesota DWI laws:

  • If you think that you’re in the clear because the car is stopped, think again. It’s a crime to have an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher at the time of driving, operating or being in control of a motor vehicle anywhere in the state — or within two hours of doing so.
  • “Aggravating factors” can increase DWI penalties. Aggravating factors include the presence of a child under age 16 in the vehicle.*
  • A first-time DWI offender can face serious fines and jail time, even without test refusal or aggravating factors.
  • If you’ve had your license temporarily revoked following a DWI conviction, you are required to re-pass the license examination and pay a reinstatement fee before you can re-apply for your license.

This list features just a few of the many details of Minnesota DWI laws. Fortunately, there are experts whose job it is to understand the ins and outs of local DWI laws. When you need someone who has the whole toolkit of information and resources, contact an attorney with DWI expertise and a proven track record of success.

*If child is more than 36 months younger than the defender (but not for first-degree DWI).

Source: Minnesota House of Representatives: An Overview of Minnesota’s DWI Laws, Updated November 2008. Jim Cleary and Rebecca Pirius, Legislative Analysts.

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