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Traffic Ticket Enhancements – Endangering Person or Property

by Jan 17, 2020Criminal Defense Attorney, Sam Edmunds, Traffic Violations

Generally, traffic tickets in Minnesota are petty misdemeanors, which means they are not considered crimes. Normally, when someone is issued a petty misdemeanor, the ticket can simply be paid, and the person cited does not need to go to court to handle the matter. However, Minnesota police officers have the discretion to decide whether traffic violations were committed in such a way that they endangered, or were likely to endanger, any person or property. This type of ticket is often given to one or more parties involved in a traffic accident. If the officer issues a citation with the “endangerment” box checked on the traffic ticket, the violation becomes a misdemeanor crime and the recipient must go to court to handle the matter.

Defend yourself by hiring an experienced Minnesota traffic ticket attorney

If you have been charged with a misdemeanor endangering person or property crime in Minnesota, you need the help of an experienced traffic violation attorney. Drivers convicted of a misdemeanor crime face criminal penalties up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.00.

But don’t worry! The driving violation lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller have a successful track record of winning endangering person or property violation cases in the past. Our experienced attorneys can help you achieve a favorable outcome today. Contact us at (651) 323-2464.

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