Shelli Haag is an experienced paralegal with three decades of experience in criminal defense, and personal injury cases. Shelli worked with Peter J. Timmons, Esq., of counsel at Sieben Edmunds Miller, for 20 years in the areas of criminal defense and personal injury prior to coming to Sieben Edmunds Miller in 2014. In 2021, Shelli was selected as one of Minnesota Lawyer’s Unsung Legal Heroes.
Shelli is responsible for a number of important functions at Sieben Edmunds Miller. Notably, she prepares and files initial case paperwork with the courts and prosecutors, notifies clients of court dates and changes to their case, and prepares legal documents for our attorneys to edit for filing. Shelli is also available to answer non-legal advice questions for clients when their attorney is not available to do so.
- Legal Secretarial Certificate, 916 Vocational Technical Institute 1985
- AAS Criminal Justice, Century College 2014
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