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Traffic Ticket Enhancements – Endangering Person or Property
Generally, traffic tickets in Minnesota are petty misdemeanors, which means they are not considered crimes. Normally, when someone is issued a petty misdemeanor, the ticket can simply be paid, and the person cited does not need to go to court to handle the matter. However, Minnesota police officers have the discretion to decide whether traffic violations were committed in such a way that they endangered, or were likely to endanger, any person or property. This type of ticket is often given to one or more parties involved in a traffic accident. If the officer issues a citation with the “endangerment” box checked on the traffic ticket, the violation becomes a misdemeanor crime and the recipient must go to court to handle the matter. Drivers convicted of a misdemeanor crime face criminal penalties up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.00.
Commercial Traffic Ticket Offenses Are Serious
In addition to the charges that the driver of a private vehicle may face, drivers of commercial vehicles also can be ticketed for additional offenses:
- Speeding more than 15 mph over the limit
- Changing lanes improperly or erratically
- Following another vehicle too closely
- Unsafe or overweight load
- Operating a commercial vehicle without a commercial license
- Driving a commercial vehicle without the proper endorsements
Even if you are driving your private vehicle and receive a ticket, it will appear on your commercial driver’s license record.
Federal regulations make some offenses even more serious.
Your life and livelihood are at stake. Don’t give in and not fight the ticket. The commercial driver’s traffic ticket attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller in Mendota Heights will fight to clear the charge and keep a conviction from appearing on your commercial record.
Out of State Residents Ticketed in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Here’s some bad news: A traffic ticket in Minnesota will appear on your record in your home state. The traffic ticket lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller are experienced in representing tourists and travellers who had the misfortune to be ticketed for speeding, other moving violations, and even DWI in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
You may not even have to come back to Minnesota or Wisconsin for a court appearance. If you are taken into custody, we will see you where you’re detained. We also work with out-of-state clients by phone, fax, email and video conference.
No Matter How Serious The Traffic Charge, We Can Help
Don’t simply give up without fighting for your rights. Call a traffic ticket lawyer or Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys and St.Paul criminal defense attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller (651) 323-2464.
Many Different Traffic Ticket Offenses in Minnesota
For private drivers, there are nearly a dozen different offenses in Minnesota that a person may be charged with by police or the state patrol:
- Moving violations such as speeding or illegal turns
- Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Careless driving
- Reckless driving
- Ignoring an extended school bus arm
- Failing to pay a ticket
- Failing to appear in court
- Driving without proof of insurance
- Outstanding traffic warrants
- Driving after suspension
- Driving after revocation
- Driver after cancellation – inimical to public safety
When you are charged with any of these or any other traffic violation, before paying the ticket call a traffic ticket attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller.
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We are here to help. Let us evaluate your case for you. Free of charge – no obligation. Complete our free case evaluation form or call us directly at (651) 323-2464.
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