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Prostitution Attorneys in Minnesota

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Engaging in Escorting or Prostitution in Minnesota Can Result in Jail Time

The law defines a prostitution offense in Minnesota as agreeing or offering to be hired for any sexual purpose by anyone over age 18. This may include penetration, fellatio, cunnilingus, anal intercourse, and fondling. Anyone convicted of a prostitution offense will be guilty of at least a misdemeanor which can be punished by up to 90 days in jail, a fine of up to $1,000, or both. A second conviction within two years of a previous prostitution conviction can be prosecuted as a gross misdemeanor, which carries a stiffer penalty: Up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $3,000, or both.

While law enforcement tends to focus on prostitution that is conducted openly on the streets, occurs in disorderly houses including massage parlors, and services that handle booking for groups of prostitutes, even private escorts are open to possible arrest.

While courts have upheld police “sting” operations, some limits have been placed on officer’s behavior and what is not considered acceptable in trying to entice somebody into having sex for money. So, for example, it is alright for an undercover officer to ask a prostitute to undress but courts have held that touching the person may result in the charge being dismissed.

If you are charged as a prostitute, you need to call a Sieben Edmunds Miller attorney to represent you in negotiating with the prosecution and reviewing the evidence. Often, evidence is not obtained or protected properly, or in reviewing the arresting officer’s notes and files we may find that police entrapped you into soliciting sex for money. For example, the law says a person must “intentionally” solicit sex for money so it may be possible to show that wasn’t the intent.

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