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Businesses Are Often Targets of Forgery
Like other white-collar crime, many forgery claims are made by businesses – and some companies also commit forgery to obtain credit, funds and to secure a business deal. But often, an employee will forge checks or other documents to obtain cash.
Depending on the victim, the amount of money involved in the forgery and other circumstances, the accused may face charges from both the State of Minnesota and the federal government. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a conviction of a person charged in a state and federal court for the same crime, saying it does not constitute Double Jeopardy. So the penalties can be very severe for a conviction.
Understanding Minnesota Forgery Charges
Items that are most-often forged include:
- Financial documents
- Personal checks
- Credit card signatures
- ID cards and driver’s licenses
- Contracts
- Legal certificates
- Legal documents
But a forgery can also be committed if it involves artwork, antiques or stamps and currency. Simply passing on a fake or altered document also is considered a crime. Multiple forgeries committed within a six month period can be prosecuted as separate crimes.
Forgery Crimes Carry Stiff Penalties
Prison sentences often are handed down for a forgery conviction along with hefty fines. The sentence will depend on the value of the forgery.
This is why anybody being investigated for forgery or has been charged with the crime needs to consult with an Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys and St.Paul criminal defense attorneys attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller immediately. We will represent you during the investigation and strive for the best possible outcome for your case.
Understanding Minnesota Forgery Charges
Items that are most-often forged include:
- Financial documents
- Personal checks
- Credit card signatures
- ID cards and driver’s licenses
- Contracts
- Legal certificates
- Legal documents
But a forgery can also be committed if it involves artwork, antiques or stamps and currency. Simply passing on a fake or altered document also is considered a crime. Multiple forgeries committed within a six month period can be prosecuted as separate crimes.
Forgery Crimes Carry Stiff Penalties
Prison sentences often are handed down for a forgery conviction along with hefty fines. The sentence will depend on the value of the forgery.
This is why anybody being investigated for forgery or has been charged with the crime needs to consult with an Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys and St.Paul criminal defense attorneys attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller immediately. We will represent you during the investigation and strive for the best possible outcome for your case.
Understanding Minnesota Forgery Charges
Items that are most-often forged include:
- Financial documents
- Personal checks
- Credit card signatures
- ID cards and driver’s licenses
- Contracts
- Legal certificates
- Legal documents
But a forgery can also be committed if it involves artwork, antiques or stamps and currency. Simply passing on a fake or altered document also is considered a crime. Multiple forgeries committed within a six month period can be prosecuted as separate crimes.
Forgery Crimes Carry Stiff Penalties
Prison sentences often are handed down for a forgery conviction along with hefty fines. The sentence will depend on the value of the forgery.
This is why anybody being investigated for forgery or has been charged with the crime needs to consult with an Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys and St.Paul criminal defense attorneys attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller immediately. We will represent you during the investigation and strive for the best possible outcome for your case.
Understanding Minnesota Forgery Charges
Items that are most-often forged include:
- Financial documents
- Personal checks
- Credit card signatures
- ID cards and driver’s licenses
- Contracts
- Legal certificates
- Legal documents
But a forgery can also be committed if it involves artwork, antiques or stamps and currency. Simply passing on a fake or altered document also is considered a crime. Multiple forgeries committed within a six month period can be prosecuted as separate crimes.
Forgery Crimes Carry Stiff Penalties
Prison sentences often are handed down for a forgery conviction along with hefty fines. The sentence will depend on the value of the forgery.
This is why anybody being investigated for forgery or has been charged with the crime needs to consult with an Minneapolis criminal defense attorneys and St.Paul criminal defense attorneys attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller immediately. We will represent you during the investigation and strive for the best possible outcome for your case.
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