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Kevin Sieben Helps Bring Resolution to Families Involved in Vehicular Homicide Case

by Jul 18, 2019Criminal Defense Attorney, Kevin Sieben, Sam Edmunds

Partner Kevin Sieben recently helped secure a fair outcome in the case of a former county commissioner who struck another vehicle while experiencing a medical episode. The driver of the other vehicle died as a result of that accident. Kevin Sieben’s client, a diabetic, was suffering from low blood sugar and hypoglycemic unawareness at the time of the incident. She entered the freeway driving the wrong direction and eventually struck the vehicle driven by the victim.

While the defendant sought to claim responsibility for her actions and bring closure to the family of the accident victim, it was also necessary for Sieben to assist his client in securing a fair outcome in the case – one that would take into account the potential strong defense to the charges and acknowledge that her medical condition played a major role in what transpired that day in 2017. She plead guilty of Criminal Vehicular Homicide and initially faced up to ten years in prison, but due to a plea agreement the defendant will instead be placed on probation and serve 90 days of house arrest.

The victim’s son supported the plea agreement. All those involved can now begin the emotional healing process following this tragic incident.

Click here to learn about more details of this impactful case.


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