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What to Expect During a Minnesota DWI Trial

What to Expect During a Minnesota DWI Trial

A DWI trial is not something to take lightly. The prosecution will present evidence, including chemical test results, field sobriety test performance, and officer testimony, in an attempt to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.   However, just because you have...

Understanding Implied Consent Laws in DWI Cases

Understanding Implied Consent Laws in DWI Cases

Encountering law enforcement during a DWI stop can be an anxiety-inducing experience, especially if you're unsure about your rights and how to navigate the situation. Without a clear understanding of your rights, even routine interactions with the police can escalate,...

Plea Bargains: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Plea Bargains: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Navigating the criminal justice system can be overwhelming, especially for individuals facing criminal charges. One crucial aspect of the legal process that defendants may encounter is the option of plea bargains. A plea bargain is an agreement between the prosecution...

Can You Get A DWI on an ATV?

Can You Get A DWI on an ATV?

Taking your ATV for a spin during a beautiful Minnesota summer can be a great time, but there’s one thing that doesn’t mix well with ATVs: alcohol. It's essential to understand the potential consequences you may face if you choose to operate an ATV under the influence...

Pedestrian Hit by a Drunk Driver? What You Need to Know

Pedestrian Hit by a Drunk Driver? What You Need to Know

While any car accident can be painful and traumatic, some of the most severe car accidents involving pedestrians are caused by drunk drivers. Drunk driving accidents can cause serious injuries and damages – even death, leaving victims struggling to recover physically,...

How Serious Is a No Contact Order Violation?

How Serious Is a No Contact Order Violation?

No contact orders can come about in many ways, but the sad truth is that some of the allegations that lead to no contact orders are false. By being granted a no contact order, the accuser may be making life difficult on the accused as a revenge tactic or so that they...

Minnesota Ice-Related Car Accident Fatalities

Minnesota Ice-Related Car Accident Fatalities

Often when we hear of a fatal car crash due to icy roads, it is considered a tragic accident with nobody to blame but mother nature. While this may be the case for many car accidents, it does not apply to cases where the surviving driver was acting recklessly or with...