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2010 Minnesota DWI Report by the Numbers

by Jul 18, 2011DWI / DUI, Sam Edmunds

The verdict is in: The Minnesota Department of Public Safety released a final crash report for 2010, and things are looking better — well, marginally better. This annual report highlights crash statistics and also offers information on impaired driving.

Here’s a look at the numbers:

  • 411: The number of traffic deaths on Minnesota roads in 2010.
  • 74,073: The number of crashes on Minnesota roads in 2010.
  • 31,176: The number of injuries on Minnesota roads in 2010.
  • 131: The number of alcohol-related deaths on Minnesota roads in 2010.
  • 1/3: The fraction of traffic deaths in which alcohol was a factor.
  • 29,918: The number of motorists arrested for DWI in Minnesota in 2010.

Most of these statistics represent a positive improvement when compared to 2009 and other recent years. And yet, one out of seven Minnesotan drivers have a DWI. It’s a significant number.

If you’re one of the many Minnesotans facing a DWI charge, get answers and support from an experienced, savvy attorney. Don’t become a statistic.

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