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CHIPS Defense Attorneys in Minnesota

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Defending Against CHIPS Cases in Minnesota

Child in Need of Protection or Services (CHIPS) cases can be deeply distressing, involving accusations that your child is in need of court intervention due to abuse, neglect, or other concerns. These cases can result in significant changes to your family dynamics, including the potential removal of your child from your home.

At Sieben Edmunds Miller, we understand the emotional turmoil and high stakes involved in CHIPS cases. Our experienced Minnesota CHIPS defense attorneys are dedicated to providing a strong and compassionate defense to protect your parental rights and ensure your family’s wellbeing.

Understanding CHIPS Cases

CHIPS, or Children in Need of Protection or Services, is a civil case in Minnesota that addresses situations involving child protection, truancy, juvenile delinquency under the age of 10, or voluntary placement of a child.

If a social services agency receives a report of neglect or abuse, they conduct an investigation. If they find the child’s health, safety, or mental wellbeing is at risk, they will work with the family to correct the issues. If these efforts fail, or if parents refuse to cooperate, the county attorney’s office may file a CHIPS petition.

Types of CHIPS Cases

  • Out-of-Home Placement: If the child’s immediate safety is at risk, the agency may request the court to place the child out of the home. After a child has been removed from the home, a hearing will be held to determine if the allegations warrant such a placement. If the court finds the child is in immediate danger, they will remain in the custody of the county social services agency, often in foster care or with a relative.
  • Protective Supervision: When there is no immediate safety risk, but issues need addressing, the child remains with the parent under court-ordered supervision. The court may require parents to comply with specific conditions to ensure the child’s safety and wellbeing.

Common Allegations in CHIPS Cases

Inability to Care for the Child

Parents may be deemed unable to care for their child due to various factors, including:

  • Immaturity: Young or inexperienced parents may struggle with the responsibilities of parenting, leading to situations where the child’s needs are not adequately met.
  • Mental Health Issues: Parents with untreated or severe mental health conditions may find it challenging to provide stable and consistent care for their children.
  • Substance Abuse: Drug or alcohol addiction can impair a parent’s ability to care for their child, resulting in neglect or dangerous living conditions.
  • Repeated Incarceration: Parents who are frequently incarcerated are unable to provide the continuous care and supervision that their children need, often leading to unstable living environments.


Neglect involves the failure to provide necessary care and supervision for the child, which can manifest in various ways:

  • Lack of Basic Needs: Failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, and medical care.
  • Educational Neglect: Not ensuring the child attends school regularly or receives necessary educational support.
  • Emotional Neglect: Ignoring the child’s emotional needs, which can affect their mental and emotional development.
  • Supervisory Neglect: Leaving the child unattended or in the care of unqualified individuals, putting them at risk of harm.


Abuse allegations can involve physical, sexual, or emotional harm to the child, often linked to criminal charges:

  • Physical Abuse: Any non-accidental physical injury to the child, such as bruises, burns, fractures, or other harm. This can include excessive discipline or punishment that leaves marks or causes injury.
  • Sexual Abuse: Any sexual act between an adult and a child, including inappropriate touching, exposure to sexual content, or sexual exploitation. This is often investigated alongside criminal charges.
  • Emotional Abuse: This includes actions that harm the child’s self-worth or emotional wellbeing, such as verbal abuse, constant criticism, rejection, or exposure to domestic violence. Although emotional abuse is harder to prove, it is equally damaging to the child’s development.

The CHIPS Process

After a CHIPS petition is filed, there are strict timelines and regular court hearings, typically every 90 days, to monitor progress. Parents must complete a case plan to address the issues raised. If they comply substantially, the court must return the child within a reasonable period, usually within 365 days, though extensions may be granted for good cause.

Your Rights and Responsibilities

Parents in CHIPS cases have rights, including:

  • Reasonable Efforts from Social Services: The agency must provide reasonable efforts to assist parents in complying with the case plan. The court must make a finding at each hearing regarding whether the agency is providing reasonable efforts.
  • Regular Visits with Children: Even without custody, parents are entitled to regular visits, which the agency must facilitate.

Special Considerations: ICWA and MFPA

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act (MFPA)

When a child involved in a CHIPS case is of Native American descent, specific legal protections and requirements come into play under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and the Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act (MFPA). These laws are designed to preserve the cultural heritage and familial bonds of Native American children and to prevent the separation of Native American families whenever possible.

Key Provisions and Requirements:

1. Active Efforts Standard:

  • Enhanced Support: Unlike the “reasonable efforts” required in other CHIPS cases, ICWA and MFPA mandate “active efforts” to reunify the family. This means social services agencies must go above and beyond to support the family, including providing intensive and culturally appropriate services and resources.
  • Detailed Documentation: The agency must document all efforts made to prevent the breakup of the family and must demonstrate to the court that these efforts were active, thorough, and ongoing.

2. Tribal Involvement:

  • Tribal Notification: The social services agency must notify the child’s tribe about the proceedings and involve them in the case. This ensures that the tribe has a say in decisions affecting the child’s placement and welfare.
  • Tribal Jurisdiction: In some cases, the tribe may choose to transfer the case to tribal court, asserting their jurisdiction over the proceedings. This is especially common if the child resides on a reservation or if the tribe has a strong interest in the case.
  • Consultation and Approval: The tribe must be consulted on all decisions regarding the child’s placement and welfare. Their approval is required for any significant changes, such as foster care placements, termination of parental rights, transfer of parental rights, or adoption.

3. Placement Preferences:

  • Relative and Tribal Placement: ICWA and MFPA prioritize placing the child with relatives or within the Native American community to maintain cultural connections. The preference order generally includes:
    • Extended family members
    • Other members of the child’s tribe
    • Other Native American families
  • Cultural Considerations: Placements should consider the child’s cultural, social, and spiritual needs, ensuring that the child maintains ties to their heritage.

4. Legal Protections:

  • Higher Burden of Proof: In ICWA cases, the standard of proof for removing a child from their home or terminating parental rights is higher. The court must find evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that continued custody by the parent is likely to result in serious emotional or physical damage to the child.
  • Qualified Expert Witnesses: Testimony from qualified expert witnesses familiar with Native American culture and child-rearing practices is required to support findings of potential harm and the necessity of removal or termination.

5. Family Reunification Efforts:

  • Comprehensive Support: The social services agency must provide comprehensive support to help the family address issues that led to the CHIPS case. This includes access to culturally relevant services such as counseling, substance abuse treatment, parenting classes, and other support systems.
  • Monitoring and Compliance: The agency must continuously monitor the family’s progress and compliance with the case plan, ensuring that all efforts are made to facilitate reunification.

By understanding and adhering to the provisions of ICWA and MFPA, Sieben Edmunds Miller ensures that the rights of Native American families are protected and that all efforts are made to preserve family unity and cultural heritage.

Why Choose Sieben Edmunds Miller?

Our lead CHIPS attorney has extensive experience from both sides of child protection cases, having worked as a prosecutor and a defense attorney. This unique perspective, combined with special training in forensic interviewing and child welfare law, enables us to provide exceptional defense services. We ensure that social services and the county fulfill their obligations, facilitate necessary resources, and uphold your parental rights throughout the process.


How We Assist Families
  • Ensuring Good Communication: We keep parents informed and supported.
  • Holding Agencies Accountable: We ensure the agency provides required resources and facilitates visits.
  • Strategic Defense: We work closely with you to develop a defense strategy that aligns with the legal complexities of your case.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

If you’re facing a CHIPS case, trust the experienced Minnesota lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller to advocate for you.

We are here to help. Let us evaluate your case for you. Free of charge – no obligation. Complete our free case evaluation form or call us directly at (651) 994-6744.

Frequently Asked Questions about CHIPS Cases

Sieben Edmunds Miller
What is a CHIPS case?
A CHIPS (Child in Need of Protection or Services) case is a civil proceeding in Minnesota that involves child protection, truancy, juvenile delinquency for children under 10, or voluntary placement of a child. It aims to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children when there are concerns of neglect, abuse, or other issues.
What triggers a CHIPS investigation?
A CHIPS investigation is typically initiated when a social services agency receives a report alleging that a child is being neglected or abused. The agency investigates, which may include interviews and home visits, to determine if the child’s health, safety, or mental well-being is at risk.
What is the role of social services in a CHIPS case?
Social services work with families to address issues that may endanger the child’s health or safety. They provide resources and support to help correct these issues. If efforts to resolve the issues are unsuccessful or parents refuse to cooperate, social services may refer the case to the county attorney’s office to file a CHIPS petition.
How long can a CHIPS case last?
CHIPS cases have strict timelines, with regular court hearings typically every 90 days to monitor progress. The longest period a child can be out of the home is 365 days, but extensions can be granted for good cause. The goal is always to reunify the child with their parents as soon as it is safe to do so.
Why should I hire an attorney for a CHIPS case?
CHIPS cases are complex and emotionally charged. An experienced attorney can help navigate the legal process, ensure your rights are protected, and work towards a favorable outcome. They can also hold social services accountable for providing the necessary support and resources.
How can Sieben Edmunds Miller help in a CHIPS case?
Our attorneys have extensive experience in handling CHIPS cases from both prosecution and defense perspectives. We provide strong, compassionate representation, ensure good communication, hold social services accountable, and develop strategic defense plans tailored to each case. We are dedicated to helping families achieve reunification and protect their parental rights.
What happens if I fail to comply with the CHIPS case plan?
If a parent fails to comply with the CHIPS case plan, it can lead to more severe legal actions, including the potential for a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) petition. Non-compliance indicates to the court and social services that the issues necessitating the CHIPS case are not being resolved, which can result in prolonged out-of-home placement or other court interventions.
Can I appeal a CHIPS decision?
Yes, parents have the right to appeal CHIPS decisions. If you believe the court’s decision was incorrect or that due process was not followed, you can file an appeal. It’s crucial to work with an experienced attorney who can navigate the appeals process and provide a strong argument for reconsideration.
What is an Admit/Deny Hearing?
An Admit/Deny Hearing is a court proceeding where the parents respond to the allegations made in the CHIPS petition. Parents can either admit to the allegations, which may lead to court-ordered interventions and services, or deny them, prompting a trial where the county must prove the allegations.
How does the court determine the best interests of the child in CHIPS cases?
The court considers several factors to determine the child’s best interests, including the child’s safety, health, and emotional wellbeing. The court evaluates the parents’ ability to provide a stable, nurturing environment and assesses the efforts made by social services to support the family.
What are the possible placements for a child in a CHIPS case?
Possible placements include foster care, relative care, or other licensed care facilities. The preference is usually given to placing the child with a relative or someone familiar to the child to minimize the trauma of removal from the home.
What resources are available to help parents comply with a CHIPS case plan?
Parents may have access to various resources, including parenting classes, substance abuse treatment programs, mental health counseling, and support groups. Social services agencies are required to provide or facilitate access to these resources as part of their reasonable efforts to reunify the family.
What role do guardians ad litem play in CHIPS cases?
A guardian ad litem (GAL) is appointed by the court to represent the best interests of the child. The GAL investigates the circumstances of the case, meets with the child and parents, and makes recommendations to the court regarding the child’s welfare and best interests.
Can CHIPS cases be resolved without going to court?
While CHIPS cases typically involve court oversight, many aspects can be resolved through agreements between the parents and social services. Parents may work with social services to create and comply with a case plan, potentially avoiding more contentious court proceedings.
How does domestic violence impact CHIPS cases?
Domestic violence can be a significant factor in CHIPS cases, as it poses a direct threat to the child’s safety and wellbeing. The court and social services will assess the risk of domestic violence and may implement protective measures, such as supervised visitation or restraining orders, to ensure the child’s safety.
What is the difference between a CHIPS case and a criminal case involving child abuse or neglect?
A CHIPS case is a civil proceeding focused on the child’s welfare and the need for protective or supportive services. In contrast, a criminal case involves prosecuting a parent or guardian for criminal acts of abuse or neglect. Both types of cases can occur simultaneously, but they serve different legal purposes.
Can a CHIPS case lead to reunification with my child?
Yes, the primary goal of a CHIPS case is to address the issues that led to the child’s need for protection or services and work towards reunification. If parents comply with the case plan and demonstrate the ability to provide a safe and stable environment, the court can order the child’s return to the home.
How does substance abuse impact CHIPS cases?
Substance abuse is a common factor in CHIPS cases and can significantly affect the parent’s ability to care for the child. Social services may require parents to undergo substance abuse treatment and demonstrate sobriety as part of the case plan to work towards reunification.
What should I do if I am falsely accused in a CHIPS case?
If you believe you have been falsely accused, it is crucial to work with an experienced attorney who can help you gather evidence, present your case effectively, and protect your parental rights. False accusations can have severe consequences, and it’s essential to address them promptly and thoroughly.

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Directions to Sieben Edmunds Miller

Sieben Edmunds Miller
Directions from Burnsville

Burnsville CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Are you looking for an CHIPS Defense Attorney in Burnsville, Minnesota? Sieben Edmunds Miller serves clients in Burnsville facing CHIPS Defense Charges. If you’re a resident of Burnsville, Minnesota, our experienced criminal defense attorneys are here to advocate for you. Our firm specifically focuses on CHIPS Defense Cases. Directions to our office from Burnsville:
16 min (10.6 miles) via State Hwy 13 N | Fastest route, the usual traffic

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Burnsville, Minnesota

  • Head north on Nicollet Ave toward E 130th St (0.6 mi)
  • Turn right onto State Hwy 13 N/Hwy 13 E
  • Continue to follow State Hwy 13 N (9.2 mi)
  • Turn right onto Hwy 55 E (0.4 mi)
  • Turn right onto Waters Dr (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller, PLLC will be on the left)

Directions from Bloomington

Bloomington CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Sieben Edmunds Miller represents people facing CHIPS Defense charges in Bloomington, Minnesota. Our experienced attorneys serve clients in Bloomington and the surrounding metro area. We know this is a difficult time, but our team is here to advocate for you when CHIPS Defense charges arise. Our team of lawyers focus specifically on CHIPS Defense cases. Directions to our office from Bloomington:
15 min (9.3 miles) via I-494 E | Best route Bloomington Minnesota – Take I-494 E to Pilot Knob Rd in Eagan.

CHIPS Defense Attorneys in Bloomington, Minnesota

  • Take exit 71 from I-494 E 8 min (8.1 mi)
  • Head north on I-35W N (1.3 mi)
  • Take exit 9A to merge onto I-494 E/MN-5 E (3.9 mi)
  • Keep left at the fork to continue on I-494 E (2.6 mi)
  • Take exit 71 for County Route 31/Pilot Knob Rd (0.3 mi)
  • Continue on Pilot Knob Rd to your destination in Mendota Heights 4 min (1.2 mi)
  • Turn right onto Pilot Knob Rd (0.8 mi)
  • Turn right (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left toward Waters Dr (200 ft)
  • Turn left onto Waters Dr (148 ft)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller, PLLC will be on the left)

Directions from Minneapolis

Minneapolis CHIPS Defense Attorneys

At Sieben Edmunds Miller, we know CHIPS Defense charges are extremely serious. Our Minneapolis CHIPS Defense lawyers have years of experience representing Minnesotans when unforeseen events occur. Criminal charges like CHIPS Defense are common in Minnesota, so make sure you have strong advocates in your corner. Our Minneapolis CHIPS Defense attorneys are here to help. Directions to our office from Minneapolis:
19 min (13.4 miles) via I-35W S and MN-62 E | Fastest route, the usual traffic Minneapolis Minnesota

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • Get on MN-65 S 4 min (0.8 mi)
  • Head southeast on S 4th St (197 ft)
  • Turn right at the 1st cross street onto S 4th Ave (0.5 mi)
  • Use the middle 2 lanes to turn slightly left onto the MN-65 ramp to I-35W S (0.3 mi)
  • Take I-35W S and MN-62 E to Waters Dr in Mendota Heights 13 min (12.2 mi)
  • Continue onto MN-65 S (0.8 mi)
  • Merge onto I-35W S (3.8 mi)
  • Use the right 3 lanes to merge onto MN-62 E (5.2 mi)
  • Continue straight to stay on MN-62 E (1.3 mi)
  • Keep right to continue on MN-55 E/Hwy 55 E, follow signs for MN-13 S (1.1 mi)
  • Continue on Waters Dr to your destination 2 min (0.4 mi)
  • Turn right onto Waters Dr (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller, PLLC will be on the left)

Directions from Woodbury

Woodbury CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Do you need an experienced Woodbury CHIPS Defense attorney?
The criminal defense lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller have represented Woodbury
residents in the aftermath of criminal CHIPS Defense charges for years. When
the unexpected occurs, you can rely on our Woodbury CHIPS Defense attorneys for
their legal advocacy. Directions to our office from Woodbury:

18 min (13.8 miles) via I-494 S

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Woodbury, Minnesota

  • Get on I-494 S 2 min (0.8 mi)
  • Head north on Queens Dr toward Valley Creek Rd (203 ft)
  • Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Valley Creek Rd (0.5 mi)
  • Use the right lane to take the ramp onto I-494 S (0.2 mi)
  • Follow I-494 S to Pilot Knob Rd in Mendota Heights
  • Take exit 71 from I-494 S 12 min (12.0 mi)
  • Merge onto I-494 S (11.7 mi)
  • Take exit 71 for County Route 31/Pilot Knob Rd (0.3 mi)
  • Continue on Pilot Knob Rd to Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC 4 min (1.0 mi)

Directions from Eagan

Eagan CHIPS Defense Attorneys

If you’re looking for legal representation for an Eagan CHIPS Defense Charge, look no further. The experienced Eagan CHIPS Defense Attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller are here to help you through this difficult situation. When the unexpected occurs, our team is here to advocate for you. In Eagan, Minnesota, criminal CHIPS Defense Charges are very serious. Directions to our office from Eagan:
13 min (5.1 miles) via Pilot Knob Rd

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Eagan, Minnesota

  • Head north on Pilot Knob Rd toward Diffley Rd (4.6 mi)
  • Turn right (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left toward Waters Dr (200 ft)
  • Turn left onto Waters Dr (148 ft)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the left 79 ft)

Sieben Edmunds Miller
Directions from Mendota Heights

Mendota Heights CHIPS Defense Attorneys

The attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller are experienced CHIPS Defense lawyers in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. We are here to guide you through the legal system when CHIPS Defense charges occur for Mendota Heights residents. If you need a Mendota Heights CHIPS Defense attorney, we’re here to help. Directions to our Mendota Heights office:

7 min (2.9 miles) via MN-62 W

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Mendota Heights, Minnesota

  • Head east on MN-62 E (0.1 mi)
  • Make a U-turn (signs for I-35E) (1.3 mi)
  • Turn left onto State Hwy 13 S/State Rte 13 S (0.7 mi)
  • Turn left onto MN-55 E/Hwy 55 E (signs for MN-13 S) (0.4 mi)
  • Turn right onto Waters Dr (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the left 79 ft)

Directions from St. Paul

St. Paul CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Sieben Edmunds Miller helps residents of St. Paul who are facing CHIPS Defense charges. You can trust our experienced criminal defense attorneys to advocate for you when the unexpected occurs. We know you weren’t planning on this, so our team of St. Paul CHIPS Defense attorneys are here for you. Make sure you have a lawyer who knows the intricacies of St. Paul CHIPS Defense law. Directions to our office from St. Paul:
16 min (12.7 miles) via US-52 S and I-494 W

CHIPS Defense Attorney in St. Paul, Minnesota

  • Take US-52 S and I-494 W to Pilot Knob Rd in Mendota Heights
  • Take exit 71 from I-494 W 12 min (11.7 mi)
  • Head southeast toward I-94 E (0.1 mi)
  • Merge onto I-94 E (0.1 mi)
  • Take exit 242D to merge onto US-52 S (5.4 mi)
  • Take the exit onto I-494 W (5.7 mi)
  • Take exit 71 for County Route 31/Pilot Knob Rd (0.3 mi)
  • Continue on Pilot Knob Rd to your destination 4 min (1.0 mi)
  • Turn right onto Pilot Knob Rd (0.6 mi)
  • Turn right (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left toward Waters Dr (200 ft)
  • Turn left onto Waters Dr (148 ft)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the left 79 ft)

Directions from Hastings

Hastings CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Sieben Edmunds Miller is a strong advocate for people facing CHIPS Defense charges in Hastings, Minnesota. Our experienced CHIPS Defense attorneys represent clients in Hastings and the Southeastern Metro. When criminal CHIPS Defense charges arise, our team is here for you. For years, our criminal defense lawyers have represented clients in Hastings facing CHIPS Defense charges. Directions to our office from Hastings:

27 min (20.8 miles) via Hwy 55 W

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Hastings, Minnesota

  • Take Hwy 55 W and MN-55 W to Hwy 55 Service Rd in Mendota Heights 25 min (20.4 mi)
  • Head west on 2nd St E toward Eddy St (0.6 mi)
  • Turn left onto Pine St (0.4 mi)
  • Turn right onto Hwy 55 W/8th St W Pass by Taco Bell (on the right in 0.6 mi) (9.0 mi)
  • Merge onto US-52 N/Hwy 55 W (4.0 mi)
  • Keep left at the fork to continue on MN-55 W/Hwy 55 W, follow signs for Minneapolis (6.4 mi)
  • Take Waters Dr to your destination 2 min (0.4 mi)
  • Turn left onto Hwy 55 Service Rd (154 ft)
  • Hwy 55 Service Rd turns right and becomes Waters Dr (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right, Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the left (79 ft)

Directions from Hudson

Hudson CHIPS Defense Attorneys

At Sieben Edmunds Miller, we help people facing CHIPS Defense charges in Hudson, Wisconsin. Our Hudson CHIPS Defense attorneys will advocate for you when the unanticipated occurs. We understand the complexities surrounding CHIPS Defense charges and will work with you to help advocate for a favorable outcome. Directions to our criminal defense office from Hudson:

29 min (26.0 miles) via I-94 W and I-494 S

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Hudson, Wisconsin

  • Get on I-94 W/US-12 W 2 min (1.0 mi)
  • Head south on 2nd St toward Commercial St (0.7 mi)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for I-94 W/US-12 W/WI-64 W/St Paul and merge onto I-94 W/US-12 W
  • Entering Minnesota (0.2 mi) Follow I-94 W/US-12 W and I-494 S to Pilot Knob Rd in Mendota Heights.
  • Take exit 71 from I-494 S 23 min (24.1 mi)
  • Merge onto I-94 W/US-12 W (9.5 mi)
  • Use the 2nd from the right lane to take exit 249 for I-694 N toward I-494 S (0.6 mi)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for I-494 S S (0.2 mi)
  • Continue onto I-494 S (13.5 mi)
  • Take exit 71 for County Route 31/Pilot Knob Rd (0.3 mi)
  • Continue on Pilot Knob Rd to Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC 4 min (1.0 mi)

Directions from River Falls

River Falls CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Are you searching for an CHIPS Defense attorney in River Falls, Wisconsin? If so, Sieben Edmunds Miller is here to help you. Our experienced criminal defense team of CHIPS Defense lawyers help people in River Falls who are facing CHIPS Defense charges. Directions to our criminal defense office from River Falls:
40 min (36.7 miles) via I-94 W and I-494 S

CHIPS Defense Attorney in River Falls, Wisconsin

  • Get on WI-35 N in St. Croix County from N Main St 4 min (1.7 mi)
  • Head west on E Cedar St toward N Main St (151 ft)
  • Turn right onto N Main St (1.1 mi)
  • Continue onto WI-65 N (0.2 mi)
  • Turn left to merge onto WI-35 N toward Hudson/St Paul (0.3 mi)
  • Follow WI-35 N, I-94 W/US-12 W and I-494 S to Pilot Knob Rd in Mendota Heights
  • Take exit 71 from I-494 S 32 min (34.0 mi)
  • Merge onto WI-35 N (6.6 mi)
  • Use the left lane to merge onto I-94 W/US-12 W/WI-35 N toward Hudson
  • Continue to follow I-94 W/US-12 W Entering Minnesota (12.9 mi)
  • Use the 2nd from the right lane to take exit 249 for I-694 N toward I-494 S (0.6 mi)
  • Keep right at the fork, follow signs for I-494 S S (0.2 mi)
  • Continue onto I-494 S (13.5 mi)
  • Take exit 71 for County Route 31/Pilot Knob Rd (0.3 mi)
  • Continue on Pilot Knob Rd to Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC

Sieben Edmunds Miller
Directions from Hennepin County

Hennepin County CHIPS Defense  Attorneys

If you or a loved one are facing CHIPS Defense  charges in Hennepin County, Minnesota, contact the criminal defense lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller. Our Hennepin County CHIPS Defense  attorneys are here to advocate for you when the unexpected occurs. If you’re a resident of Hennepin county searching for an CHIPS Defense  attorney- our team is here to help. Directions to our office from Hennepin County:
35 min (28.1 miles) via I-494 S and MN-62 E

CHIPS Defense  Attorney in Hennepin County, Minnesota

  • Hennepin County Minnesota Get on I-494 S from Hwy 55 E 7 min (4.1 mi)
  • Head east on 34th Ave N toward Queensland Ln (0.1 mi)
  • Turn left onto MN-101 N (0.8 mi)
  • Turn right onto Hwy 55 E Pass by Wendy’s (on the right in 2.7 mi) (2.8 mi)
  • Turn right to merge onto I-494 S (0.3 mi)
  • Follow I-494 S and MN-62 E to Waters Dr in Mendota Heights 25 min (23.6 mi)
  • Merge onto I-494 S (7.8 mi)
  • Use the 2nd from the right lane to take exit 13 for MN-62/County 62 (0.3 mi)
  • Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto County Rd 62 (signs for MN-62 E) (0.1 mi)
  • Continue onto MN-62 E (7.7 mi)
  • Use the middle lane to stay on MN-62 E (0.7 mi)
  • Keep left to stay on MN-62 E (4.6 mi)
  • Continue straight to stay on MN-62 E (1.3 mi)
  • Keep right to continue on MN-55 E/Hwy 55 E, follow signs for MN-13 S (1.1 mi)
  • Continue on Waters Dr to your destination 2 min (0.4 mi)
  • Turn right onto Waters Dr (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right (Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the left 79 ft)

Directions from Ramsey County

Ramsey County CHIPS Defense Attorneys

In Ramsey County, CHIPS Defense charges are more common than you might think. If you or a loved one are facing CHIPS Defense charges in Ramsey County, you should contact the criminal defense attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller. Our experienced lawyers focus specifically on Ramsey County CHIPS Defense cases. Directions to our office from Ramsey County:
24 min (14.8 miles) via I-35E S

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Ramsey County, Minnesota

  • Get on I-35E S from Frost Ave and Roselawn Ave E 7 min (2.8 mi)
  • Head northwest (184 ft)
  • Turn right toward Frost Ave (295 ft)
  • Turn right onto Frost Ave (0.4 mi)
  • At the traffic circle, take the 3rd exit and stay on Frost Ave (0.6 mi)
  • Sharp right onto Maplewood Dr (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left onto Roselawn Ave E (1.2 mi)
  • Turn left to merge onto I-35E S (0.2 mi)
  • Follow I-35E S to MN-62 W in Mendota Heights
  • Take exit 101B from I-35E S 10 min (9.7 mi)
  • Merge onto I-35E S (2.6 mi)
  • Keep right to stay on I-35E S (0.7 mi)
  • Keep left at the fork to stay on I-35E S, follow signs for Interstate 35E S (6.0 mi)
  • Take exit 101B to merge onto MN-62 W (0.3 mi)
  • Continue on MN-62 W to Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC 6 min (2.4 mi)

Directions from Dakota County

Dakota County CHIPS Defense Attorneys

In Dakota County, Minnesota, CHIPS Defense cases are relatively common. When the unexpected happens, you can rely on the Dakota County CHIPS Defense attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller to see you through the process and help advocate for a favorable outcome. People facing CHIPS Defense charges in Dakota County need experienced criminal defense lawyers. Directions to our office from Dakota County:
22 min (10.3 miles) via Pilot Knob Rd

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Dakota County, Minnesota

  • Head east on 150th St W (98 ft)
  • Turn left onto Pilot Knob Rd (9.9 mi)
  • Turn right (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left toward Waters Dr (200 ft)
  • Turn left onto Waters Dr (148 ft)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right, Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the left (79 ft)

Directions from Washington County

Washington County CHIPS Defense Attorneys

If you’re searching for a Washington County CHIPS Defense attorney, the criminal defense lawyers at Sieben Edmunds Miller are here to help. Our team of experienced CHIPS Defense attorneys have been serving Washington County for many years. We understand the complex area of CHIPS Defense law. Directions to our office from Washington County:
25 min (17.5 miles) via Bailey Rd and I-494 W

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Washington County, Minnesota

  • Drive from Bailey Rd and I-494 W to Mendota Heights 22 min (17.1 mi)
  • Head west on 40th St S toward Manning Ave S (0.2 mi)
  • Continue onto Bailey Rd (2.0 mi)
  • At the traffic circle, take the 1st exit and stay on Bailey Rd (2.0 mi)
  • At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit and stay on Bailey Rd (3.2 mi)
  • Continue onto Maxwell Ave (0.5 mi)
  • Turn right to merge onto I-494 W (8.2 mi)
  • Take exit 71 for County Route 31/Pilot Knob Rd (0.3 mi)
  • Turn right onto Pilot Knob Rd (0.6 mi)
  • Drive to your destination 3 min (0.4 mi)
  • Turn right (0.3 mi)
  • Turn left toward Waters Dr (200 ft)
  • Turn left onto Waters Dr (148 ft)
  • Turn left (367 ft)
  • Turn right, Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC will be on the (left 79 ft)

Directions from Scott County

Scott County CHIPS Defense Attorneys

Residents of Scott County, Minnesota need strong representation when facing CHIPS Defense charges. The CHIPS Defense attorneys at Sieben Edmunds Miller are here to help. Our experienced CHIPS Defense  lawyers understand the intricacies of CHIPS Defense law in Scott County. Directions to our criminal defense office from Scott County:
41 min (30.2 miles) via Hwy 13 W

CHIPS Defense Attorney in Scott County, Minnesota

  • Head south toward MN-282 E 17 s (0.1 mi)
  • Take Marystown Rd, US-169 N and State Hwy 13 N to Waters Dr in Mendota Heights 38 min (29.7 mi)
  • Turn left onto MN-282 E (0.4 mi)
  • Turn left onto Marystown Rd (6.6 mi)
  • Turn right to merge onto US-169 N (5.5 mi)
  • Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 115 for County Rd 21 toward Minnesota 13 (1.9 mi)
  • Continue onto State Hwy 13 N/Hwy 13 W Continue to follow State Hwy 13 N (15.0 mi)
  • Turn right onto Hwy 55 E (0.4 mi)
  • Continue on Waters Dr to Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC 2 min (0.4 mi)