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Four Types of Burglary in Minnesota
There are four degrees of burglary crimes in Minnesota:
- First Degree Burglary – This is the most serious. A first degree burglary charge is filed when there is another person in the dwelling or building, the defendant used a dangerous weapon in committing the crime or lets someone believe they have a weapon, or if they assaulted somebody while committing the crime.
- Second Degree Burglary – This charge is used if the defendant enters a home, government building, school, historic property, church or synagogue, bank or drug store, or if the defendant has any tools that were used to gain access to the building or steal money.
- Third Degree Burglary – This charge means a person entered a building intending to commit either a felony or gross misdemeanor. Typically, it is used when a person is caught before actually stealing anything.
- Fourth Degree Burglary – Entering a building intending to steal something.
Even a fourth degree conviction can result in jail time and a fine of up to $3,000.
Home Invasions Charges in Minnesota are Treated Very Seriously
Any home invasion is considered burglary and the law punishes these crimes harshly. “A man’s home is his castle,” a common law principle dating back to the 17th century, is taken just as seriously today because the act is considered invading somebody’s private space. A home invasion is different than a trespass charge, a gross misdemeanor which means going onto property without intending or actually committing a theft.
In Minnesota, you need a tough and experienced burglary defense lawyer at Sieben Edmunds Miller to protect your rights – and your future – in court.
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