When you’ve been injured in an accident, the last thing you want to think about is finances and the bills you’ll be receiving in the mail for your medical expenses. Someone will be held responsible for the expenses you incurred after your accident, but it doesn’t have to be you or your family. If the accident that injured you was caused by the negligence of another party, you may be able to recoup your expenses through a personal injury case.
Sieben Edmunds Miller helps accident victims in Lakeville pursue a personal injury case to alleviate the pressure to pay for medical expenses, recoup lost wages, and recover for your pain and suffering. If you were injured in a car, boat, motorcycle, or pedestrian accident; premises or products liability incident; dog attack; or any other accident caused by another party’s carelessness, we can help you determine whether you should pursue a settlement or lawsuit. Don’t allow the fear of future expenses to hinder your recovery; let your attorney handle the logistics while you focus on your health.
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Car Accident Personal Injury Attorneys
Car accidents can be scary, harmful, costly, and even deadly. Even a responsible driver may be a car accident victim if they are subjected to another driver’s carelessness. Car accident victims are often not at fault for the accident and the injuries they incur, which means they may be a good candidate to pursue a personal injury settlement.
Common car accident injuries include whiplash, broken bones, internal bleeding, head injuries, and even death. Treating these injuries is expensive, and the victim may require ongoing treatment for their serious, life-altering injuries. The victim and their family should be able to focus on recovery instead of figuring out a way to pay medical bills and stay on top of finances. If your loved one died in the accident, your family should have the opportunity to grieve and not worry about expenses. This is why our personal injury attorneys in Lakeville fight to help our clients receive fair compensation from the other driver’s insurance company.
Shortly after a car accident, you may be contacted by the other party’s insurance company. The representative may request more information about the accident, or they may offer you a cash settlement to forfeit your right to a lawsuit. Do not speak to the insurance company until you have hired a Lakeville car accident personal injury attorney. Any information you give the insurance company may be spun to try to take the blame off the other driver. Additionally, any settlement amount the company offers upfront is likely to be less money than you deserve. Allow your attorney, who is educated and experienced in this type of accident, handle the insurance company.
Recreational Vehicle Accidents
Spending time outdoors is important to many Minnesotans, and we often use recreational vehicles to achieve maximum enjoyment of our state. Boating and ATVing are common in the summer, and snowmobiling is a favorite winter pastime. Most of us are responsible while using the vehicles, but inexperienced and intoxicated drivers occasionally use them irresponsibly and can cause accidents. ATV, boat, and/or snowmobile collisions are dangerous and can lead to rollovers and other damaging conditions. When one of our clients is injured in a recreational vehicle accident, we work to assess how the accident has affected them financially. Then we do everything in our power to hold the other party responsible.
Are you interested in pursuing a personal injury case in Lakeville? Contact our personal injury lawyers in Lakeville today.
Sieben Edmunds Miller PLLC Also Delivers Personal Injury Services In The Following Cities:
- Burnsville Personal Injury Lawyers
- Bloomington Personal Injury Lawyers
- Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyers
- Woodbury Personal Injury Lawyers
- Eagan Personal Injury Lawyers
- St. Paul Personal Injury Lawyers
- Hastings Personal Injury Lawyers
- Hudson Personal Injury Lawyers
- River Falls Personal Injury Attorneys
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