FAQs about Burnsville Car Accidents
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What is the personal injury statute of limitations in Burnsville, MN?
The personal injury statute of limitations based upon negligence is typically six years from the date of the accident, although it can be as short as two years in some circumstances. Wrongful death claims are typically governed by a three year statute of limitations.
What is the personal injury claim process in Burnsville, MN?
If an attorney can’t negotiate a fair insurance company settlement, the next step is to serve a summons and complaint on the at-fault driver to notify them that they are being sued. Immediately or soon thereafter, your claim will be filed with a Minnesota civil court demanding economic damages. Often, to avoid going to trial, the defendant and their insurance company may prefer to negotiate a settlement before the trial begins. However, if this fails, your case may proceed to a trial.
What should I do after a personal injury accident in Burnsville, MN?
Of utmost importance is that you receive immediate medical care and treatment for your injuries. So, the first thing you should do is call 911. Also, the police should observe the scene and create a police report. Then, you should hire an attorney who can immediately go to work on your behalf negotiating with the at-fault party’s insurance company.
What damages are available in a personal injury case in Burnsville, MN?
The economic damages that a person injured by a person, company, or other entity may include medical expenses, lost current and future wages, loss of quality of life and emotional distress. Also, if the injuring party demonstrated a flagrant disregard for your safety, you may also be awarded punitive damages. If a loved one was killed because of another’s negligence, funeral and other expenses may be covered as well as for the loss of guidance caused by their death as well as other economic losses.
When is the best time to contact a personal injury attorney in Burnsville, MN when I am injured in a car accident?
You should hire an attorney as soon as possible after a car accident that caused injuries because you’ll encounter an onslaught of issues almost immediately, including costly medical treatment and dealing with insurance companies. The at-fault driver will contact their insurance company, and you may even receive a phone call from that insurance company asking you for a recorded statement. You should refer the insurance company to your attorney who will speak for you so that you don’t say anything that may damage your case.
How much does it cost to hire a personal injury attorney in Burnsville, MN?
If the attorney believes you have a viable case, they should cover all the costs of negotiating an economic settlement for you. You won’t pay a penny up-front. Only when you win an economic settlement will your attorney be paid a pre-agreed percentage of that amount for legal fees.
Who’s at fault for an injury due to a dog bite in Burnsville, MN?
Minnesota has a specific statute, or law, that governs this situation. Minn. Stat §347.22 states that if a dog, without provocation, attacks or injures any person who is acting peaceably in any place where the person may lawfully be, the owner of the dog is liable in damages to the person so attacked or injured to the full amount of the injury sustained. The term “owner” includes any person harboring or keeping a dog but the owner shall be primarily liable.
Unless you were acting aggressively towards a dog or intentionally provoking it in Burnsville, Minnesota, the owner is always at fault if their dog bites, attacks, or knocks you over causing you injuries. It doesn’t matter whether the dog has ever before shown aggression or bitten anyone. Minnesota does not have a “one free bite” rule.
If I think I have a personal injury case in Burnsville, MN, can I talk to an attorney at Sieben Edmunds Miller?
Because we love what we do, our attorneys are always ready to speak with injured people to determine how we can best help! So, please don’t wait to call 651.323.2464 to have a friendly, sensitive free consultation with us. If it’s easier for you, please send us a message on our contact form.
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