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What Not to Say When Pulled Over For Speeding

What Not to Say When Pulled Over For Speeding

Receiving a speeding ticket may not be quite as severe as some of the criminal defense charges we defend our clients against, but it’s inconvenient nonetheless. No one wants an offense on their record because they were driving just a few miles per hour over the limit....

Have a Safe and Happy Holidays

Have a Safe and Happy Holidays

With the holiday season approaching quickly, we wanted to remind everyone to be safe and find a sober ride home. DWI patrols increase during the holiday season, and so do DWI arrests. With all the holiday parties over the next several weeks, you may well find yourself...

Dakota County First Degree Burglary Case Dismissed

  We just received an order from the Dakota County court dismissing all charges against our client in a First Degree Burglary case. Our client was charged with aiding and abetting an alleged burglary despite the fact that he didn’t participate in the crime in any...

DWI Vehicle Forfeitures

Today let's talk about motor vehicle forfeitures in DWI cases. Minnesota statutes allow the government to forfeit, or take title to, your vehicle if you commit particular types of DWI offenses. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169A.63 sets out the types of offenses that...

Do Not Try This In Court!

  Some criminals believe they are invincible and Penelope Soto is no exception.  After disrespecting the judge she was appearing before, her punishment increased greatly.  Watch the video to find out how.   Source: Yahoo! News

Minnesota DWI Record Holder

Most people enjoy being record holders, but this record is not one to brag about. Danny Bettcher holds the record for the most DWI’s in Minnesota; 27. A little over one month after Bettcher had been released from prison, he went to a bar and drank. Both conditions...

Do I have to tell my work of my arrest?

After the initial shock of an arrest wears off, many questions begin running through your head. One question you might have is, “Do I have to tell my work about my arrest?” Generally the answer is no. However, if you have signed an employment contract with your work,...

Under 21 Drinking and Driving Laws

DUI’s are never a good thing but can be even worse for those under the age of 21. If you are under the age of 21 and are caught driving after drinking, you could be charged with two different types of offenses. If you are .07 or less, you most likely will be charged...

Drug Kingpin from St. Paul Sentenced

Drug Kingpin from St. Paul Sentenced

Drug charges can have severe consequences. One case that's been in the news recently is the case of Jesus Mendoza, a drug kingpin from St. Paul, MN. According to a recent Star Tribune article, Mendoza pled guilty last summer to trafficking in numerous pounds of...

Drinking, Golfing and the Legal Consequences

After a cold, snowy, and long winter, the weather is finally improving which, for many Minnesotans, means it’s time to dust off their golf clubs and hit the course.  Many Minnesotans take the 4+ hours they spend on the golf course as an opportunity to enjoy some...

What is Drug Court?

What is Drug Court?

Drug Court is a special court designed to rehabilitate certain felony offenders through long-term comprehensive supervision, drug testing, treatment services and immediate sanctions and incentives.  Drug courts promote recovery through a coordinated response to...

Can social media be used as evidence in court?

Think twice before you post a Facebook album full of photos from your next party. Those captured moments may come back to haunt you. It may feel like the album -- or any posts -- are just between you and your friends, but that’s simply not the case. Which leads us to...

Protecting your reputation after an arrest

Having an arrest on your record might score you extra points with a few people, but trust us -- those aren’t the people you want to be around. Unfortunately, having an arrest on your record carries a profound stigma, and it can interfere with your life and your...

Felony vs. Misdemeanor Drug Charges in Minnesota

We’ve talked a lot about drinking and driving, but there’s another topic that warrants (no pun intended) attention. The topic? Drug charges. The official term is “Controlled substance” charges. According to 2010 Minnesota statute 152.01, controlled substance means “a...

TV vs. Reality: What’s prison really like?

Even if you’ve never spent a second behind bars, you likely have an image in your mind. It’s an image built on a Hollywood sound stage and featured widely in TV shows and movies. Some TV shows and movies portray prison as gritty and violent, while others have more of...

Long-term Monitoring for DWI’s

If you’ve been arrested for a first- or second-degree DWI, you could find yourself subjected to jail time even before sentencing. Some offenders post bail, while others may be required to submit to Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM). Abstaining from alcohol...

The Real Story on “Good Behavior” and Prison Sentences

Between the television news, newspapers, and movies, you’ve certainly heard it: “The prisoner got out early on good behavior.” But what exactly does this mean? And who is eligible? “Good behavior” is the colloquial term for what the corrections system officially calls...